UK: Men paid less than their wives are 'five times more likely to cheat'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Well-paid wives beware - men who are financially dependent on their other halves are more likely to be unfaithful, research shows.

And the greater the earning gap, the more likely the man is to cheat, the study suggests.

It found that house husbands whose wives work all day were five times more likely to have an affair than those who contribute an equal amount of money to the partnership.

It is unclear why but it may be that their male pride is wounded by their wife or live-in girlfriend being more successful than them - and having an affair is a way of reasserting their masculinity.

Some house husbands may find the temptation of being surrounded by 'yummy mummies' on school runs just too much to bear.

With recent British research revealing that nearly at third of women are earning more than their men, the finding could raise suspicion in millions of homes.'

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"Cheating housewives" is not in the lexicon? Guess not.

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To a more common situation, but one where the truth doesn't come out until much later:
Well-paid husbands beware - women who are financially dependent on their other halves are more likely to be unfaithful.

Yep. Surprising? No.
Especially, when you add in the false paternity statistics and the fact that women are reportedly 'better' at hiding their affairs than men.
Are we going to get this revealing and incriminating info about women anytime in some "research" on MSM? Nope, not likely.


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the more likely his female partner will cheat.
In a study published about 2 years ago, and announced on the c&w radio in the bay area (california) - the more money a man makes the higher the liklihood his female partner will cheat. And if he is making close to $1M a year, it is almost guaranteed that she is cheating. And why not? If he divorces her, she gets $500,000 a year for years.

Human beings are driven by reward. Business knows this and this is how they get their managers to perform. When you put incentives like unilateral divorce and alimoney in place a woman's predatory nature really, really comes out.

Men should not marry and they absolutely should not marry in 'community property' states like california. It is legal theft down there.

oregon dad

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