Swedish paper: "Swedish women to overtake stupid men"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Swedish men are less intelligent, lonelier and fatter than their female counterparts. Boys have fallen way behind in school, and there are more women than men studying some traditionally male university subjects.'

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This article is noteworthy on many levels... the most obvious being there is no way in hell that it would be headlined or written the way it is if the sexes were reversed. You can be sure there would instead be an "achievement gap" and the message would be the need for special programs for the girls and women who are obviously being discriminated against, too. No such discussion of what needs doing to make things better for Swedish men. Apparently, the author of the article doesn't care.

I would love to see the researcher's data and his full report. I had heard Sweden was in bad shape, but didn't know it was this bad. Hey, any readers out there in Sweden who can discuss the situation?

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"Swedish women to overtake stupid men"

The more these politically correct western nations bombard society with misandry, the more young men will become disenchanted with society. Who can blame them?

"fatter"....bullshit! The average female has a much higher body fat index.

"Experts have also observed that smart women are struggling to find common ground with members of the opposite sex."

I'm assuming they are refering to the education gap. Does a college degree automatically mean superior intellect? I'll have my B.A. by May, lord knows I'm no rocket scientist. Are Swedish women so brilliant that a conversation with a male cannot stimulate their intellect?

"This is a huge danger for men"...note to editor: the only thing dangerous for men are assine bigoted articles perpetuated around the world.

"Being a boy means always holding your own. This creates an insecurity and incredible expectations"

Holding your own?...maybe it leads to independence , strength, and confidence.?

"The power of the "patriarchy" is so great that education and similar factors are not so important.

"Patriarchy"....feminist terminology....that speaks volumes regarding this absurd article.

***look at the bottom of the article for the link..."Learn how to understand men, and beat them at their own game!"

also look for..."Meet Single Wealthy Men"

Is this publication the Swedish equivalent to Ms. Magazine?

as usual...disgusted


p.s. The most bigoted, anti-male article I've ever read!

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Or their entrapment like prostitution laws. My understanding is prostitution is legal, so I assume they tax it while they make paying for a prostitute illegal. The government exploits prostitutes for tax revenue while it scapegoats the problem of prostitution onto the male citizen and punishes him.

Like in Canada when feminists get into power, the men in power look good to the feminist brainwashed populace, the feminists get millions and make the issues about men in general, not the powers that be/the hand that feeds them.

“There will soon be a large collective of uneducated, low-paid men who don't have any friends, and are unmarried and alone - as well as uninteresting for women looking for a relationship."

Where the hell did they pull the “don’t have any friends” out of their asses? And actually just the, busy as hell, ultra competitive, self-focused and obviously shallow career women wont be interested in them, oh heavens!

Don’t get me wrong education is enriching and enlightening and all that but academic elitism is so very lame. Whatever the background, an intelligent human is way more interesting than an academic ego. IMO

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Author: paul.omahony@thelocal.se
Editor james.savage@thelocal.se

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Woman is a little, weak creature with tiny brain, which isn't able to overtake anyone. It's not Swedish women will overtake Swedish men, but Swedish men and women will be overtaken by Muslims from other parts of the world.

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"In twenty years men's dominance will be broken and women will have more power in society. There will be more female CEO's and the wage gap will favour women," researcher Ingemar Gens told magazine Att:ention.

Thus demonstrating beyond any shadow of a doubt that feminism is a hate movement aimed at female supremacy. As if we ever doubted this. But it is doomed to fail.

Paternalism is a key component of all advanced societies. They simply cannot exist without it, and women are clearly attempting to re-engineer it with women filling the roles of men. Of course, as experience has shown us, women will only seek to fill the low-risk and low-challenge roles that men presently occupy, so their attempt to maternalize paternalism is futile: paternalism only works because men are willing to take risks and compete. It's not as if these princesses will ever condescend to do any actual work, take any risks or get their hands dirty. Enjoy your return to the Bronze Age, Sweden. I hope your oil never needs changing.

Oh, and one other note: as education becomes increasingly worthless in our societies, it also becomes increasingly feminized. This relationship is equally valid when the cause and effect are reversed, because women simply refuse to do the work and take the risks that men do. Therefore, their educations become less valuable than the same educations in the hands of men, QED. Feminists overlook this inconvenient reality, just as they overlook so many other truths about humanity and society.

Education is only a key to automatic advancement in bloated government bureaucracies and other areas where feminists already hold power (teaching of children, nursing, etc.): many entrepreneurs are poorly educated, yet wealthy. Many tradesmen do not have formal educations, yet they are paid handsomely for their efforts. Education, particularly the completely useless arts and science degrees that women are so proud to be collecting in record numbers prior to retiring to motherhood at the age of 35, have exactly nothing to do with success. Young women already earn 15% more than men their age, yet the mythical "wage gap" persists. Female domination of education and bureaucracies has already happened, and yet this fact of life continues to be a thorn in feminists' paws. Reality will eventually tap them on the shoulder. I'm sure they'll sue it for sexual harassment and child support.

Consider this: if men are the only ones willing to fill a necessary but "undesirable" (to women) role, as we traditionally are, and they finally realize that women view them only as useful animals and nothing more, it is MEN who will dictate both the price and the terms of service. After all, educated women willing to do office work until they're ready to squeeze out a meal ticket are a dime a dozen. It will be most interesting to see what happens when an oil change costs $500, or an electrician is $750 an hour, ladies. The market is efficient, women are not.

On that same note, there is a very good reason why self-employed women (who are already more educated than men) only earn 49% of what self-employed men do. No amount of education can replace initiative, risk-taking and hard work. Again, we see the fundamental efficiency of the marketplace, and the fundamental inefficiency of women. Unfortunately for feminists and the women they mislead, this lesson can only be taught in the school of hard knocks. I, for one, am looking most forward to invigilating the final exams.

As for female CEOs, their companies generally perform less well than those headed by men. Again, we see market efficiency here: it is investors who create and fund companies that hire CEOs. Investors will only spend their money where it will perform the best. Companies headed by women do not perform "the best", because men are simply more competitive and more willing to take the risks that generate the returns which investors seek.

Don't let the door hit your cellulite-covered asses on the way out of head office, girls.

"There will soon be a large collective of uneducated, low-paid men who don't have any friends, and are unmarried and alone - as well as uninteresting for women looking for a relationship."

B-O-O. H-O-O.

The women who find this scenario desirable can quite literally go fuck themselves. With my complements. And leave us the hell out of it. Of course, their "accomplishments" will be most inconvenient for them, given that there will be no man to blame; no man to sue for a lifetime of support when they decide it's time to play "house", no men to pay the taxes that their surrogate "daddy" needs to pay their way. Best of luck ladies, and you'll have only yourselves to blame.

What these foolish, hateful women have overlooked is that their little Marxist revolution has succeeded on the backs of the men who pay the majority of the taxes and do the majority of the work. Feminism is only possible when paternalism exists and pays its bills.

The societies which feminists are gleefully unravelling won't last long without the efforts of men. Neither will feminism.

I am looking most forward to the future of Sweden when all of these realities and responsibilities land squarely on the shoulders of these princesses. It will truly be something to behold, just not for the reasons that feminists expect.

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Women sue Swedish university for "positive" discrimination, because the university reserved some spaces for foreign students in its law program. Naturally the Swedish courts instantly recognized that only women can be victims of anything, and "convicted" the university of "racial discrimination" for trying to admit minorities. Most of whom were presumably ALSO women.

Apparently women in Sweden get REAL interested in "equality" whenever it favours them. But if it helps anyone else? Fuck no. Right out the window.

Anybody know the Swedish word for "hypocrite"? The only word I know how to say in Swedish is "shit", which I believe translates to "IKEA". I can only presume that whatever that word is, it's the same word they use for "woman".

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Here it is. Sweden it seems is most definitely one of the least-safe places for men!

"Modig asserted in court that her ex-husband was the murderer. But the court found that his explanation of events was supported by technical evidence recovered from the scene of the crime.

Instead it was ruled that Modig had punched her boyfriend in the face, stamped on him repeatedly, before stabbing him several times in the chest with a kitchen knife. The man was later found to have cuts on his head, face and torso, as well as a broken tongue-bone.
During the night Modig called her ex-husband, who could hear the victim's cries for help in the background.

During the night, with Modig in bed beside him, the man died from his injuries.

According to the murdered man's son-in-law, Modig had once said that she had a two-year plan, after which time her boyfriend's house would become hers, Aftonbladet reports."

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....Maybe Swedish men aren't going to college, but their music is brilliant.


What about a coarse that is female dominated? I suspect the system doesn't work that way.

Maybe Swedish men wouldn't be so "stupid" if their academic merits superceded that of this ridiculous positive discrimination.

Male dominated coarses simply represent areas of study that has more appeal to men. For some reason this is considered unfair towards women. Apparently the solution is to admitt more women (many not as qualified) into these "so called" male dominated programs? Affirmative action is an international plague.

The hypocrisy is unbelievable! This "postive discrimination" is only acceptable if it unfairly helps female students.

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When the final verdict is in, feminism will go down as the most socially destructive movement in modern times. Every single society in the world that has adopted feminism is dying out.

They all have below-replacement birthrates, with no exceptions from Ireland to Italy, Sweden to Japan, Spain to the United States. It goes to basic primal truths: When most women in a society no longer view themselves primarily as mothers to provide the next generation, that society dies. Female careerism kills. All the feminist bloviation in the world can’t get around this biological fact. When something increases crime, it is socially destructive. When something encourages able-bodied people to go on welfare, it is socially destructive. Child abuse is socially destructive. Yet what could be more socially destructive than something that literally eliminates that society? That is what feminism is doing to all of Western Civilization.

The future of the world is not feminist. Traditional, religious, father-headed families are the ones having the kids, on average, I noted. Since a much large percentage of Muslim families than Christian or Jewish ones are devout and patriarchal, the world becomes more Islamic with every passing moment, especially since Islam is growing rapidly by conversions as well. And the Muslim world is becoming more radical with every passing moment, too.
Secularized people have the lowest birthrates. Thirty-five years ago, the Western world had 30% of the Earth’s population and the Muslim world had 15%. Today, each has about 20%. Can you guess what the figures will be in 20 years?

Barren feminist societies shall not inherit the Earth, due to the simple fact that they are not producing heirs.

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"The power of the patriarchy is so great that education and similar factors are not so important.
"Other things play a bigger role, such as short-cuts and networks for example," said Malena Rydell, managing editor of feminist magazine Bang.

Have you guys ever noticed, that when people talk about men's networks it is always disparaged as the "good old boys", but when it is women networking it is portrayed in a positive light, like "go get 'em girls!"?

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