UK: Men make better bosses than 'loose cannon' women, say two-thirds of workers

Article here. Excerpt:

"Men are overwhelmingly seen as better bosses, a surprising new survey has revealed.

Two thirds of the nation's employees, both male and female, agree they would rather work for a man than a woman.

Female bosses were accused of being bitchy, hormonal and incapable of leaving their personal lives at home.

A third of those polled claimed women in charge are 'loose cannons' - ready to stab colleagues in the back at any time, and who constantly feel threatened by other people in positions of authority.

By contrast, both male and female workers believe male bosses were less likely to get involved in office politics, were easier to reason with and rarely suffered from mood swings.

Men are also said to be more straight-talking than women and rarely talk about others behind their backs, it emerged.'

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... I can say that I have bad bosses of the bithcy/explosive/backstabbing kind of both sexes and it's been my experience they usually do themselves in. I also believe that different behaviors can be interpreted differently based on the sex of the person exhibiting them. It's just that when these differences are pointed out in favor of women, these days it's made into an argument for why "women are better..." fodder, whereas when men are made out to be better at this or that, it's "deconstructed" as a sign of rampant sexism against women, bias in perceiving behaviors, socity's influence, etc., etc. That is where my objections start to arise, and indeed I would object in either case vis-a-vis either sex.

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I've had three female bosses and maybe 10 male.

Of those three, one was truly psychopathic when it came to behaviour, she would laugh and joke with you one day, then tear shreds off you for the same joke the next.

The second sexually harassed myself and another worker when the power went to her head and eventually self destructed. She was universally feared and disliked by those who worked for her or crossed her.

The third leaked private information like a seive, one guy told her in confidence he needed time off work due to an impending divorce and found the office knew about it by lunchtime. She got caught eventually falsifying her reports and was sacked, but again she was universally distrusted.

I know it's all anecdotal but I've lost count of the women and men who've told me they hate working for a woman boss...

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but in this case, I've even known hard-core feminists who admit to prefer working for a man.

Men have learned to control aggression (much like violent tendencies) to a much better extent that women because aggressive behaviour in men is interpreted in a much more negative way. Men simply could not get away as easily with that kind of behaviour.

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