Lying about rape is as hurtful as the crime itself

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Many feminists argue that the problem of false accusations is so minuscule that to discuss it extensively is a harmful distraction from the far more serious problem of rape. On the other side are men's-rights activists, claiming that false accusations are as much of a scourge as rape itself."

Bull's-eye. Whenever false rape allegations spin in the news cycle, as a father, my soul stands on a razor blade betwixt that divide: Knowing how false accusations can color police response should — God forbid — my daughter ever need a sympathetic ear; and fearing for my son in a world where the right words from the wrong lips can destroy reputations and land you behind bars.

Researchers have struggled to pinpoint the prevalence of false rape claims. Estimates range widely from about 2 percent to 90 percent. However, the most trusted studies put the figure between 8 and 10 percent.

False claims are a headache for Nicole Quinn, who is at the helm of the Victim Service Center of Orange County. They undercut the already arduous task of persuading real rape victims to come forward.'

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It has been my belief that a false accusation of rape is rape and should be prosecuted as such!

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The story it's self though was trash.

One sentence acknowledging that MRAs consider a false accusation as serious as rape its self and the whole rest of the article making excuses for the poor troubled girls that lie about rape.

Sorry but the ONLY victim in a false rape case is the falsely accused and it is his life that is irreparably damaged.

If you want to take the stance that only "troubled" girls in need of help not jail tell lies about rape then you must also acknowledge the other side - no man without a serious mental illness has ever raped anyone. If one gender commits crime due to mental illness then you must also come to terms with the fact that NO ONE commits serious crime who is not mentally ill in some way. So why do only women receive help? And why is the toughest law he could find to punish false accusers still only a misdemeanor punishable by a mere year in prison when men who rape get up to life and commonly decades behind bars?

false rape IS as damaging to the victim (the male who she targeted her lies towards) as the most horrific brutal rape you could imagine. So where's the righteous fury and calls for blood against the false accusers? Justice is either blind or it's not.

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