UK: Feminism? Forget it, sisters

Article here. Excerpt:

"The long night of modern feminism might be about to end. A glimmer of light is flickering in the encircling gloom.

A study published this week by Dr Catherine Hakim of the London School of Economics has found that men do slightly more work than the women they live with when employment and domestic work are measured together. This is the first time I can remember in 40 years that an authoritative study on a key issue of so-called gender politics has come out with a self-evident truth that runs directly contrary to orthodox feminist ideology. The fact that it has been written and published by a woman makes it even more delightful.

Ever since the late Sixties, it has been an incontestable article of faith in the feminist creed that men are lazy, slobbish, barbaric, barely civilisable and incapable of switching on the vacuum cleaner without breaking it – and eternal shame on Alistair Campbell and his partner Fiona Miller for boasting about the fact that he lives up to that mould-encrusted cliché.

It has been an essential tenet in the feminist catechism – endlessly repeated on Woman’s Hour and in the Guardian – that men exploit and oppress women at home and in their domestic arrangements in the same way that men put women down at work and in the wider society."

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Just skimming through the comment section, I was impressed by the number of male posters who eagerly agreed with the author. Honestly fellas, there's a wellspring of male discontent out there just waiting to be tapped. Too bad there's no highly organized MRM to take advantage of it.

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