Man who committed mercy killing years ago denied expanded parole because he's a man

Story here. As unbelievable as it might seem, a man who was convicted in the "mercy killing" of his severely disabled child has been denied increased parole for no reason other than being male, despite the fact that he poses no danger to the community. Whatever your feelings on euthanasia, the institutionalized sexism he's facing in the Canadian penal system is an affront to human dignity.

From the article:

Although the parole board indicated Latimer is "successfully reintegrating into the community," it says his case does not meet the test of "exceptional circumstances" for expanded leave.

The board says it may consider expanded leave to "be responsive to the needs of female, aboriginal, ethnic minority or special needs offenders."

Apparently men need not apply for equal treatment under Canadian law. It isn't enough of an injustice for men to serve radically longer sentences for the same crimes; they're also being denied parole rights on the basis of their gender.

If Mr. Latimer were Mrs. Latimer, he'd be on full parole right now.

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This clearly shows that such laws and governments are nothing more than hate movements, committing their evil, misandrist crimes under color of law.

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