UK: Huge leap in bankruptcy among women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The number of British women going bankrupt has risen almost fivefold in the past 10 years, with new figures revealing a 28 per cent increase in the past year alone. In some cases, according to insolvency experts, the surge is down to the "irresponsible spending" of women trying to emulate glamorous celebrities, while others are being driven to financial ruin by unemployment, pay inequality and childcare costs.

New figures from the Insolvency Service show that women now account for 40 per cent of all bankruptcies, rising from 6,042 in 2000 to 29,680 in 2009.

Younger women are finding it particularly difficult to manage their money, with those between the ages of 25 and 44 making up almost two-thirds of female bankruptcies. In 2009 17,595 declared themselves bankrupt, up from 13,575 in 2008.
"These figures show that more and more young women have levels of debt incurred through trying to maintain lifestyles that are unsustainable," says Graham Horne, deputy chief executive of the Insolvency Service. "It is critical that all young people are aware of the impact that irresponsible spending can have. Filing for bankruptcy or obtaining a debt relief order should be viewed as a last resort."

Women's rights organisations have countered that, far from being profligate or financially illiterate, they simply "earn less, own less and have lower earning potential" than men. Experts have pointed to the effects on finance of divorce – after which women are overwhelmingly left poorer than men – single motherhood and career breaks to look after children.
"It was ridiculously skewed before; when I started 20 years ago, I would hardly ever see women going bankrupt," Ms Brittain says. "The rise is partly because there are more women starting their own businesses, which should be encouraged."'

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This will be used as an excuse to increase alimony and child support payments I'm certain. When women are in financial trouble, simply take money from men.

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"women now account for 40 per cent of all bankruptcies"
So men make 60 per cent, but that is not news.

The thing is that women dont have men who take care of them and they have to be accountable of their actions, that is the central idea behind this event, now the news, that is another story.

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I wanted to post this (below) on the site but I can't seem to register using this phone.

Wait a minute, women don't even make up half the bankruptcies and also have more purchasing power (spend more), then you, Rachel, blame women's bankruptcy problems on men... wtf

women are lucky enough to even have a preposterous situation like that. Ask yourself why men work longer, take more risky work, and dedicate themselves more fully to climbing the latter (thus make more money) and yet have LESS purchasing power than women.

why are there more men in bankruptcy? why do women have more purchasing power? why are their more homeless men?

I think its time feminists accept the responsibilities that come with the rights... its time to stop making themselves out to be the victim in every situation, especially when the opposite is true.

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with making your own money - instead of bankrupting your husband you get to bankrupt yourself!

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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