Domestic Violence: Going beyond physical abuse into every aspect of life

Article here. Excerpt:

'To outsiders, an abusive relationship could seem like a black and white situation.

But, experts on domestic violence say those relationships are complicated, all shades of gray.

Someone may see a couple where one of the partners — statistically more often than not the man — is abusive and the other a victim as rocky, tumultuous, volatile or dysfunctional.

But, that’s not how experts define it. It goes well beyond the surface, well beyond the visible bruises and apparently petty arguments, and is about far more than what outsiders may think.

“The way we talk about domestic violence behaviorally is that we see it as a pattern of coercion and assaultive behaviors that one person uses to gain power and control over their intimate partner,” said Merril Cousin, executive director of the King County Coalition Against Domestic Violence.'

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... but based on this one, it looks like any expression of anger can be deemed abuse. This vacates 1/4 of the human range of emotion as being "acceptable" when in fact there are times when being on the receiving end of someone else's anger is both entirely deserved and indeed, it may be necessary to help spring them back to reality. Anger can and is often used abusively and manipulatively. But so is sadness/grief (ever deal with someone who is always threatening self-harm?), and the other two major emotions (fear and joy) can be used to manipulate others, though in less overt ways.

This article is an example of expanding the definition of a word so greatly that it almost becomes meaningless. I have seen that happen to the word "science" and I am just as unhappy about it as I am about what's happened to the phrase "domestic violence". Other important words in our language have met similar fates, and are now so watered down as to lack a definable meaning (another one I can think of: "meme").

It's all about funding, gaining power over the political and judicial machinery, and continuing down the path of making men out to be categorically evil. At least here in the US, the last thing we have that may one day be of use to us in our protection is the prohibition against bills of attainder. Sadly, that protection seems already to have been lost immediately after it was enacted given all the laws that existed at the time prohibiting the presence of Indians (or, Native Americans, if you prefer) and black people (likewise, African-Americans) in all manner of places or restricting their movements-- which in effect, was the same thing as a bill of attainder.

And did I forget to mention that the article never mentions men as DV victims? Oh yeah, forgot that...

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I'm not sure they'll allow it, but I posted this.

"The article "Domestic Violence: Going beyond physical abuse into every aspect of life | Beyond the Bruises" appears very disingenuous. In a study conducted by the CDC and available on the website "Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting," it is revealed that in relationships where violence is non-mutual (and that's roughly half of domestically violent relationships), it is the woman who initiates the violence. In the other half where violence is mutual, well, violence is mutual, 50/50.
Domestic violence will never end, until ideologically driven misinformation about it ends, and yes, America's taxpayer funded domestic violence industry is controlled and driven by gender feminist ideologues. Americans need to wise up to what is going on in America's misandrist, taxpayer funded, domestic violence industry."
Los Misandry

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I added the following to my post,

"In my post above, make that, " is the woman who initiates the violence 70 percent of the time in non-reciprocal domestic violence according to the CDC." Certainly, it appears to be more than that, when you have the taxpayer funded, domestic violence industry abusing battered men too."

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