Libs Sneer at Men Who Grieve for Their Aborted Children

Article here. Excerpt:

'Progressives are at their most depraved and nakedly evil when expressing their contempt for human life. The concept of sympathy cards for men who lose children to abortion has induced liberal blogger Amanda Marcotte to cough up this clot of bile:

Anti-choicers [are] pretending that they just discovered they oppose abortion because it violates men’s rights over their uterine property (established by the “poke it/own it” law laid down in beer commercials).

It’s not about a child’s life; it’s about who “owns” a woman’s uterus, according to the left’s bizarre and heartless politics.

The charming Marcotte (formerly John Edwards’s official blogger) sneeringly offers some sympathy cards of her own, like this one [Warning: link target is NSFW].

It doesn’t get any better in the comments section. Here’s a gem:

If a man tried to pull that crap with me, I’d tell him that if he cares about the embryo so much then he should get to work on inventing a way to transfer the pregnancy into his own body. Oh, you don’t really want this thing to leech off your body for several months? Well, I don’t either.'

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The site this post is on as well as part of the content is undoubtedly controversial for MRAs in its political nature; words it uses seem to have substantial political biases in them. Nonetheless the focus of the article is MRA-relevant. It reports how men who grieve the loss of an aborted child are being derided by some, as if the matter should not even be relevant to the father.

As long as men do not have equal reproductive rights, it's a problem. But then to be taunted, in essence, over this fact, is further example of the level of dismissiveness feminists have for men's concerns. It doesn't surprise me at all.

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I'm glad this is posted. Although it is a reminder of how people of the same gender and having the same experience of unplanned pregnancy can have completely different emotions about the situation. A lot could be solved if pro-life people did not have sex with pro-abortion people.

I would tell these pro-abortion woman that wrote the comments, the same thing I would tell a man. If getting pregnant is really that bad, than you should be taking extreme precautions and maybe even forgoing sex. Although apparently to some women, abortion is no big deal, as it serves as a back up plan, and they do it multiple times.

I have always found men to be more sensitive to pregnancy and abortion issues. It is no surprise to me that men would have emotions about abortion. Kid Rock even wrote a song about an abortion experience he regrets when he got his girlfriend pregnant in high school. (Kid Rock is a full custody father, you know, and he made his ex pay child support to him even though he was a mega-star and did not need the money)

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