BA compensates man 'humiliated' over child seat policy

Remember the guy who was angry at British Airways' policy of not letting men sit next to unaccompanied kids? He received a settlement from them and now the policy is "under review". Not a watershed, but good news nonetheless. Story here. Excerpt:

'BA has compensated a passenger who was "humiliated' over its policy of not allowing single male flyers to sit next to solo child travellers on its planes.

British Airways cabin crew told Mirko Fischer to move after he swapped seats with his wife and ended up sitting next to a boy he did not know.

Mr Fischer, 33, accused staff of harassing him and said the policy contravened the Sex Discrimination Act.

BA apologised to the businessman but denied the policy was discriminatory.

A spokesman told the BBC the policy was now under review.

A consent order detailing a settlement between the parties was drawn up at Slough County Court on Wednesday.'

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We need to fight discrimination wherever we find it.

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he should have expected more money for the purpose of embarrassing BA... at least he set a very good precedent!

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...keep up the fight--and not be bought of by some monetary settlement. The company said it denies that it's discrimination. Not only is it discrimination, it's prejudice and outright bigotry.

Hopefully something good will come out of this review. But with BA already in denial about it being discriminatory, what's going to change their little delusional opinon?

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