UK: Scottish Parliament debates male DV victim-related spending

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week a hugely significant and historic debate took place in Scotland when the Parliament got round to finally discussing domestic violence against men. As highlighted in the discussions it's quite shameful that it took 11 years after the initial Liberal Democrat proposal to actually have the debate, particularly given that debating "violence against women" is quite literally an annual event.

The debate itself makes fascinating viewing and a number of those taking part really should be commended for their knowledge of the issues and determination to expose the truth with particular credit going to Mike Rumbles of the Lib Dems. The most positive aspect of the proceedings was the recognition of how badly the Scottish Parliament was failing male victims. It was noted that the Scottish Executive had spent some £100 million helping females victims, compared to £28,000 on men. Feminists moan about all sorts of inequalities such as supposed discrimination in pay, yet even with their skills at fiddling the figures I doubt they can find any area where the disparity in government spending between the sexes amounts to more than 350,000%. As noted in the debate, such a lack of funding means there's no actual helpline based in Scotland for men, and further still no services that victims can be referred to one they call the helpline. It's akin to setting up a "999" call centre but neglecting to employ any fireman, police or paramedics.'

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IMO, the most disturbing quote from the article is this:

    My one criticism of the event is the failure to recognise the harmful anti-male agenda of the Men's Advice Line, the organisation receiving the £28,000. The group behind "service" is unapologetically gender feminist in it's outlook and mainly concerned with male perpetrators and female victims. There was some recognition of the fact that the helpline scheme hadn't gone out to tender with the Sottish Executive had only considering the Men's Advice Line or a Scottish feminist group as candidates. However, whistle quite rightly attacking the disgusting attitudes of the Labour MSPs to male victims, the politicians didn't seem to realise they were handing over money to an organisation with the exact same agenda and prejudices.

This highlights the weakness of the men's movement better than a thousand self-congratulatory feminist rants.

Whenever the leaders and institutions finally wake up and decide to do right by men, the ONLY sizable organizations out there are those run by or dedicated to feminism

If a journalist decides to counter all the anti-father propaganda with a piece on the difficulties fathers face, who does he turn to for info? The Fatherhood Initiative (Obama) or other well-known "experts" like Blankenhorn.

Newsweek needs commentary on the Boy Crisis? Turn to an acknowledged "expert," Carol Gilligan—afterall, she is partially to blame for creating the situation. Or in Canada you commission a study by S.O.W. (great acronym!).

Make VAWA fair, you say? Just who do you think is going to going to administer this "gender neutral" approach?

Ditto with custody reform, visitation enforcement, child support reform, or paternity issues. Or child services abuses.

Want to make a concerted effort to recruit men in education, nursing, or the social services? What organizations involved in "gender justice" are most prominent? Nope. Ain't us.

Finally going to address gender bias in the media, criminal sentencing, sexual modesty in prisons, rape and sexual abuse? Who do you call? (Hint: It ain't Ghostbusters.)

Even our last Great Best Hope, Male Studies, has this problem. Once they develop the curriculum, materials, and structure to unyoke young minds from the rampant misandry and, perhaps, foment activism, who do they get to teach the subjects? Sure, they can control what happens in a few colleges; but what happens if the program spreads rapidly nationwide? Who will be teaching the courses? Yep, former men studies lackeys, worshipping their transsexual god.

In other words, just changing the hearts and minds of our leaders is insufficient. If they're going to finance and politically support any initiative to help men and boys, what major organizations will there be out there for them to funnel this support?

I hate to be a one note johnny, but without organization and infrastructure, all our blogging, ranting, reporting, etc., is nothing more than documenting our demise. Maybe some future historian (female) will be able to determine that there was a time when males actually were more than just beasts of burden suitable only for the most menial tasks. Whoopee.

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