'Abduction' case against teen reaches new low with evil smear campaign

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is frightening to watch the power of the state unleashed to destroy a 14-year-old boy.

He is Edwin McFarlane, the bumbling teen whose attempt to help a 3-year-old girl find her mother June 10 at a Burlington Coat Factory has him facing a first-degree felony charge of false imprisonment.

The case never has made sense. And confronted with the possibility they made a mistake in a high-profile arrest, Orange County sheriff's detectives and now state prosecutors have waged a campaign to save face by distorting evidence and smearing the kid.

When I began questioning the arrest, the Sheriff's Office told me surveillance cameras proved Edwin never contacted his mother before leaving the store with the girl, as she claimed. I checked the videos and found this wasn't true.'

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The worlds going crazy,I mean this is some thing out of 1984!

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You're probably American, but I'm sure you caught at least some of the G8/G20 coverage on CNN or somewhere. The Government here turned an entire city into a fortress and gave police powers to arrest on site if you happen to step on the wrong piece of sidewalk.

There are no more rights or freedoms in this age of information, ANYONE (as long as they were born with a penis and testicles that is) can be made out to be a monster at the whim of the State. Heck, the state turned flipping the middle finger at another boy in this case into a SEX OFFENSE in the eyes of the public, so there is literally NOTHING that they cannot turn against you.

This boy knows the definition of sexism better then ANY feminist that has ever lived because he has faced persecution and oppression the likes of which the early sufferagettes could not imagine. This boy experienced the very definition of sexism and oppression. When was the last time the total power of the state was brought against a teen girl in the Western world? Maybe 400 years ago or so? It has been a while since Salem.

Is the MRA movement going to wait until all males are branded sex offenders at birth to take up the cause and get the fucking laws that allow this type of travesty to occur changed? Fuck VAWA honestly, it is not doing as much damage as police and prosecutors on the pedo-witch hunt. Children are merely pawns under VAWA, they are TARGETS to AWA. Fixing VAWA does fuck all for unmarried men really. They don't get charged with DV, they get charged with sexual assault and end up with a felony conviction rather then a restraining order. Fix ALL SEX LAWS! Every single one ever written in the books was written with the intent of protecting women from men. Every law ever created with regards to sex is SEXIST AGAINST MEN. EVERY LAW EVER WRITTEN ABOUT SEX. VAWA barely scratches the surface when it comes to discriminatory laws against males. Female innocence and virtue have been motivation behind laws for millennium. The problem goes much deeper then VAWA.

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Yes I heard about what happened at the G20,and the mens movement will not stand for such injustice,I think you need to check out Paul Elam's video how to build a male bomb.

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Radar makes a stink about prison rape - news flash to them - the general public will never care. What about every girl that got a guy drunk to rape him for his sperm to have a baby he did not want, and she does not what him, but sure as hell wants to rape his wallet over and over again? That's real rape to. What about mom's and cousins and aunts and sisters that "practice" on nephews, sons, brothers and cousins? That's child sexual abuse to, and trust me, it happens AT LEAST as often as some male family member molesting a little girl. What's the difference? Well, men wait til the girls are nearly or early pubescent to start, when the girls are old enough to know it's wrong, women start on infants cause they can't tell anyone anyway and by the time they are old enough they have been programmed to think that's just how women show affection.

What about cases like this? That BOY was steamrolled by a system that assumes all males are predatory pedophiles (AKA boogie men because they practically don't exist for how often they occur in the general population. 6- 10 cases a year in a land of 309 million people - and yes serious cases of child abduction are reported virtually 100% unless the family is responsible but that's a different crime altogether - is justification for nearly destroying this boys entire future?

In a world where a boy who once stuck his middle finger at another boy and then later helped a 3 year old girl who he thought was lost find her mom can be painted as a dangerous sex offender, prison rape is not likely to gain much traction with the public for at least the next thousand years. Is it a problem and a tragedy? Of course, but it is a reflection of the dysfunction of society as a whole that it occurs and unless you fix the broken society, then no one is ever going to care about the people society has already written off. The MRA movement had better get its act together and pushing for real change rather then starting with fringe issues and hoping for the best on everything else. This case is a prime example of what is wrong, and it is only because of the youth of the accused that anyone even noticed. Had he been 18, he'd already be sentenced convicted, striped of his humanity and all rights and told it was for his own good. Not one person would have noticed him be destroyed, and that's the root of the problem, because exactly that is happening every single day over and over and over again.

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