"My Story"

This isn't a news story. This is my attempt at writing something about my story.  I wanted to get some opinions from other men about it. I thought this might be a good place to do that. I want to improve this.  I wanted to write something that would be kind of like a newspaper article you might read about my story.  I wanted to express events as I lived them with minimal coloring on my part.   I also have a brief coda after the essay about things that I think might help in the future.  Please give me your impressions on that too. If you wish to email me with constructive comments, I can be reached at rlaspari-at-hotmail.com.

I know most men who are dads are working dads. One thing to keep in mind is how different my story would be if I were a stay-at-home mom instead of a stay-at-home dad. I think the differences indicate the different treatment men and women get.

I was a stay-at-home dad. I still am a stay-at-home dad, but it is not the same. I cannot be a stay-at-home dad much longer.

I have been a stay-at-home dad since before my son was a year old, and always the primary parent responsible for his care. Even before I was a stay-at-home dad I was the parent who took my son to doctor visits or stopped by to see him during lunch break. When my son did not adjust well to his daycare, I wanted to stay home with him. His mother wanted to continue working. So I quit my job to become a stay-at-home dad. When my son was three and a half years old, his mother filed for divorce.

I do not know why she filed for divorce. We argued more towards the end, but no more than many couples who stay married and work things out. I have since learned that in families with children, women file for divorce the majority of the time. College educated women, like my son's mother, file the vast majority of the time. I did not want a divorce, but I had no say in the matter. With a divorce forced upon me, I would have preferred a collaborative divorce to an adversarial one; but, I had no say in the matter. I would have preferred to gradually change my son's residential schedule over changing it abruptly, but I had no say in the matter. The divorce process was unilateral.

After my son's mother filed, she presented me with a large stack of papers. Among other things in these papers, she wrote her opinions of my parenting ability. I learned that she was accusing me of some form of “emotional abuse” as well. This enabled her to bring papers before a judge for “immediate relief” prior to presenting them to me. I was fortunate that no immediate relief was granted.  I have since learned that many men are not so lucky. We both argued with each other, and she was the only one to ever be physical in these arguments; but, only she leveled accusations of abuse.

In her papers she requested to be named the primary parent, and I be given visitation. I had a chance to respond, and she then had the final say with a response to my response. Lawyers took these papers to the court. They spoke in front of a commissioner with each of us standing next to our respective lawyers. Her lawyer spoke for about 5 minutes. My lawyer responded for about 5 minutes. Again she was granted the final say when her lawyer spoke for another 5 minutes. Immediately after this the commissioner ruled, and my son was taken from me half the time.

This was the “temporary arrangement” until the entire process was complete. The process took almost a year and a half to complete. Another part of the ruling was the commissioner telling me I should find work. I asked for a revision hearing to try to have this custody schedule revised. It was not revised, and I was told at the revision that I need to pay half the mortgage on the house until it is sold.

Throughout the divorce process I heard the phrase “best interests of the child.” The court used the phrase often. My son's mother used the phrase often. I was coerced into signing documents with the phrase. Until the hearing my son saw me every day. We spent all day together most days. I would lie next to his bed every night to help him fall asleep. My son cried and cried and cried during the first weeks when he was taken from me. He didn't sleep well when he was away. He was only 3. He still asks his mother if I can come over with him when she picks him up. The courts say they only act in the best interests of the child.

After filing for divorce, my son's mother wanted to put him in daycare. I thought it would be a foregone conclusion that, if there was a parent that is willing and able to stay home it would be allowed, but because his mother wanted daycare, there needed to be a hearing. My son has certain special needs that led to his mother and I to have him evaluated by the university when he was 2, and by the public school system soon after. They made certain specific recommendations for schooling and care that I wanted to carry out. Both my son and I were fortunate for this. The court was compelled to follow the recommendations. I believe without these recommendations my son would be in daycare today in order to comply with the mother's wishes. The type of preschool I requested for my son was one where parents assist the teacher. My son's mother said it should not be assumed that I would be the parent to do this. I made no such assumption. Nevertheless, the commissioner ruled that my son's mother could replace me whenever she wanted and as often as she wanted, as long as she gave me one week's notice. I was worried she would exercise this privilege all the time, and I would not get to participate at my son's preschool; but, she rarely did.

My son's mother requested a parenting evaluator. My lawyer told me I had to agree to this. Our parenting evaluator was a social worker. The evaluator writes a report with recommendations when he finishes, and my lawyer said the court almost always follows these recommendations. My lawyer also said the parenting evaluator will ask me to sign forms to waive my rights to privacy and confidentiality so that he can talk to doctors, therapists, teachers, and anyone else he might feel is relevant. My lawyer told me I should sign whatever the evaluator wants me to sign. When I met with the evaluator, I did. I was told by many, including my lawyer, that it is a good idea to keep a daily journal of what I did with my son and how I interact with his mother and her family. According to the evaluator, my journal consisted of over 500 typed pages. I don't know what he did with it, and it was never returned to me. I had two meetings with the evaluator. During the first meeting the evaluator spoke with me in an office. I told the evaluator I wanted to stay home with my son until he started kindergarten. He told me that children of divorce have to go to daycare. During the second meeting he watched me play with my son for half an hour through one-way glass. I am proud of my parenting skills, but this was still frightening for me. I felt violated by this evaluation.

Eventually, my son's mother and I “settled.” I have since learned most adversarial divorces end with a settlement, and not a trial where information about the proceedings is made publicly available. I was afraid of the extra costs of a trial, and I was afraid that worse things could still be done to me and my son. I found nothing particularly “amicable” about our settlement. We reached an agreement where I only got to see my son half the time, but I could stay with my son during times when his mother was working. Since the divorce I have had the chance to meet several divorced mothers through single parent groups. They had custody arrangements where they had their children at least 70% of the time – often more. They collect child support. I did not meet any stay-at-home mothers who had their children only 50% of the time. According to the most recent US census 5 out of 6 custodial parents are women. All the single mothers I have met so far initiated their divorces.

I noticed something else about the divorced women I met. They have a tendency to speak in the passive voice. Family court uses similar language. I asked one woman about her custody arrangement. She said it didn't make sense for her husband to have custody. I recognized the passive voice. I asked her if that was what her husband wanted. She said he just wanted whatever he could get. The passive voice extends to the description of the process – phrases like “the divorce was finalized on this date” or “we're divorced” – not “I divorced” or “I initiated the divorce.” The other person is thus put in the position of having to ask awkward questions for more information. It reminds me of governments that know they are doing bad things and wish to deflect attention and criticism. “People are being detained.” Who is detaining them? They are being detained. Some of these women also accused their husbands of abuse of one form or another. It seemed incongruous to me because, like my own ex-wife, these same women often seemed aggressive, angry, and intimidating to me – but they all had a seemingly instinctive and masterful grasp of social language.

People have been using passive language in divorce for a long that now. A friend of mine recently told me that my description reminded him of the separate conversations he had to endure as a teenager once a long time ago. The mom explained that it was just something that developed, that it was nobody's fault. But the dad explained, she filed for divorce. Active versus passive voice. Same stuff, different decade. The courts encourage the use of passive voice when speaking to children, or an active voice with “we” to indicate the parents are on the same page about what is happening. The courts say to use the active voice would constitute blaming the other parent. To adhere to this standard leaves the parent who did not want a divorce (most often dads) in the position of saying he is ok with a scenario in which he is not permitted to have as active a role with his children as before.  In effect, parents are supposed to tell the kids:  I won't see you as much, and I'm ok with it, and it's no one's fault -- thus making these parents appear either callous or foolish.

Throughout the divorce I was told that I should seek work, and that I should be able to find work. This presupposition affected how assets and obligations would be divided. Income was “imputed” to me. I have been out of the workforce for nearly 5 years, and unemployment is very high. Finding work will be a challenge for me. If I need to move out of a state for work, I will be at the mercy of my ex-wife. I have been told that if it went before a court, I would lose what custody I have if I move. My ex-wife has a good job and is worth between 1 and 2 million dollars. I am worth a small fraction of that. Child support is determined based on the percentage of overnights the child spends with a parent. If the number of overnights are equal, no child support is warranted. I will not be getting child support. I have recently spoken with a divorced mom who decided to allow the dad to see his son half the time. In her case they determined child support based on the disparity of incomes. She gets $1000 a month. If I am forced to move because I can only find a job out of state, the likely outcome will be my seeing my son only for most of the summer -- and I would have to pay my millionaire ex-wife child support. I would be reduced from a full-time, stay-at-home dad to a dad who only gets contact with his son for maybe three months out of the year.

I was a stay-at-home dad. I still am a stay-at-home dad, but it is not the same. I cannot be a stay-at-home dad much longer.

So that's my story.  It is probably not a particularly gripping one if you haven't lived it.  As for me, I still take medication for anxiety as a result of all of it.  As a stay-at-home dad I went from full time with my son to half the time.  I worry I might lose more time in the future. Working dads often go from part time to virtually no time.  There are things that people can do to make a difference in the future though.  The first thing is to talk about it and build awareness.  Everything about divorce is designed to keep people from talking about it.  That's similar to any corrupt process.  The only way to fight it is to talk about it more.  Statistically speaking, men do not recover from divorce (Even if they remarry problems remain.).  They die younger and have more physical, mental, and financial problems.  Statistically speaking, children do not recover from divorce.  They have deficits relative to other children, and they grow up feeling like they can never be themselves or never truly be at home.  They have different selves for different homes.  They feel they have to grow up sooner.  They are more likely to have all sorts of problems.  Remarriage does not help them and may make things worse.  Statistically, the only time divorce benefits children is when there is violence or threats of violence in the home.  Yet as a society we make it easy and condone and even sometimes encourage people to do this to their children.  Though I use the word "people," the vast majority of people who file for divorce when children are involved are women.  Ask them whether they filed.  Watch for passive language.  Watch for gender bias.  Gender bias is still rampant through the process, even in states where the language has finally been changed to be gender neutral.

Many people recognize the system is broken and want to fix it.  The best idea I have heard is this one: a rebuttable presumption of custody of any minor children to the respondent.  What that means is if someone files for divorce when there are kids involved, there will be a presumption that the other parent gets custody of the kid.  This would greatly reduce the number of divorces with kids.  All of a sudden, the divorcer could not use the kids as pawns, and would face the possibility that she might not get custody herself.  The divorcer could still get custody if there is evidence that the other parent did something bad, like abuse the kids or something -- but we would have the presumption of innocence first -- something we really like having in most other areas of the justice system.  That presumption of innocence is still elusive in family court.

Even if we could enact this change to the family court system, it might still be subverted so long as the basic undercurrent of prejudice against men remains. Men are inherently as good at parenting as women. Men need just as much protection under the law as women. So long as people reject these notions of equality, the people who enact and enforce these laws will find ways to make sure women continue to receive favorable treatment at the expense of men and children.

Requirements for counseling prior to divorce would also be a good idea -- but first we would need to change the secular counseling system as well.  Right now it adopts a "divorce neutral" attitude despite mounting evidence that divorce is harmful in a multitude of ways.  It is equivalent to having a neutral attitude towards whether the earth is round or flat.

We need to see to it that society has support structures for men equal to those women have. In my own case, at one point I went to my local community college's women's center for help because there is no equivalent men's center. They were kind and tried to help, but did not have much they could offer me. The best word I can come up with to describe how I felt going through this process is rape. I felt raped, and I felt like I had to watch my son being raped as well. I felt we were violated, and I felt one person violently imposed her will on us with the aid of the court. I find it hard to believe we have support systems in place for the rapists, but not the victims.

There is a lot that needs to be changed, but there are entire industries built on keeping things as they are.  The only hope for change is if people get over the built-in discomfort and start talking about it more.

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Sorry to hear you had to go through all that. You say in your article:

"I do not know why she filed for divorce."

The reality is she probably divorced you because she lost respect for you because you stopped working. Most women may claim they have no problem if the man wants to stay at home and look after the kids but in reality they end up resenting it and become jealous. Women care about their social status among other women and unfortunately for you being a stay at home father is low status in their eyes. They slowly develop the feeling they can do better and soon enough they plan their exit strategy. It's a sad situation but many men have been screwed like this. Your story serves as a good warning to other men.

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Anon said:

    The best idea I have heard is this one: a rebuttable presumption of custody of any minor children to the respondent.

I'm assuming that you're referring to no-fault (unilateral) divorces, and I couldn't agree more. If there is no fault, the parent who wants to end the marriage must do so with no damage to the affected parties. S/he leaves empty-handed.

However, for divorces with "fault" or mutual dissolutions of the marriage, then shared parenting is the way to go. That is, if the "fault" does not involve proven child abuse.

Commenting on the case, you were fortunate in having parenting time that most divorced fathers can only dream of. But the double standard is still bullet-proof, and you didn't get child support you deserved due to disparate income.

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a judge telling a woman who was the main caregiver
for the child, and whose husband filed for divorce (thus destroying the family), to 'go out and find a job' or 'you will not be receiving child support'? n.o.w. would be screaming bloody murder and the msm...? yeah.

if there is no 'equality under the law' involved in each and every ruling, then these clown judges
are not practicing law, as defined by our forefathers.
they are abusing the system and everyone associated with it.

this situation described above is the same thing that happened to Robin Williams in the film where he dressed up like an old lady to try to gain access to his children, in the 80's. so as you can see, not much has really changed, nor is it likely to. that would be except for the divorce rate, which continues to climb.

gosh, wonder why?


any time greedy people start making $$$ at something, no matter how offensive the act (like the divorce INDUSTRY or the abortion INDUSTRY), it is next to impossible to change it for the better, or to shut it down.

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Interesting essay, I am glad it is posted as it points out a lot of issues and biases that fathers face.

I am sorry that this has happened to this man, and I know if he were a woman, he would be receiving child support right now.

As far as bias goes, there is a bias about men staying home and taking care of kids that need to be done away with. From what I have seen, this comes from society made up of both genders and not just females. If a man chooses to be a stay at home dad I think he is just as likely to be looked down upon by his male peers than he is by females. In my homeschooling group we get together frequently for play groups, learning opportunities and field trips. We have a father in the group and no one thinks twice about it. We value his male contributions that he brings to the group (we all socialize a lot so we know each other's spouses and frequently we have a dad instead of a mom for the day's activity) .

Currently my husband is staying home with our kids while I work. Typically staying home is my role, but I am very happy to have a parent at home and he is doing a great job.

In your situation you mentioned that when your son was born, you both worked and placed him in daycare. Since daycare was not working out, you then decided to become a stay at home dad. Having you as the stay at home parent was probably not how your wife envisioned things when she agreed to marriage and children. I am wondering how agreeable she was to this change in plan or if it was just sprung on her, and she tolerated it for a few years.

If I am correct in my assumption, then this is an example of why couples need to talk about their expectations before marriage, and also people need to get to know how flexible and cooperative and willing to do "for the good of the family" their potential spouse will be. There are many men and women that have this notion that a stay at home parent is unnecessary, lazy, doesn't want to work, etc. It is important to know a potential spouses view on this before marriage.

Marriage and children do not always go as planned. Most people only discuss "Plan A" but frequently with unexpected turns in life, you have to follow "Plan B" or "Plan C" . It does not sound like your wife was willing to do so.

I am a supportive of avoiding daycares as much as possible, and with your son's special needs it seems like it was the best solution to have you at home. Also sounds like shared parenting would have worked well in this situation after the divorce.

I am an advocate for father's right's as it seems like you were treated differently because you were a man and the court was not fair to you or your child.

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I think very few women would be truly happy with this kind of arrangement despite any claims to the contrary. They still want hunter/warrior men who go out and bring back the bacon. Feminism hasn't changed this. The typical woman wants "equality" insofar as it expands her options. Otherwise she wants any "man of hers" working. Any man going into any other kind of arrangement is best advised going in with eyes wide open and expecting it not to work out (ie, expect her to leave him). Chances are already good it won't, anyway.

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The fundamental problem is that feminism is founded on two extremely dubious tenets.

1. All gender differences are due to nurture rather than nature. If this were so, how would you explain the existence of tomboys or transsexuals?

2. If women's preferences are different from those of men, this is due to women being indoctrinated by the patriarchy to make disadvantageous choices in order that men can maintain their position of dominance.

Many women may like the option of working full-time and allowing their husbands to stay at home. The reverse arrangement has of course been the norm for many years and lots of men are happy with that, provided that the marriage stays together and they can see their kids every day. If a marriage breaks up and a SAHD gets custody, this is portrayed as a penalty imposed on women by the patriarchy to stop them going out to work. Legal dominance feminism therefore wants to maintain the veneer of gender equity, whilst putting as many barriers in the way of men as possible. And of course, all this is justified due to biology, which is supposedly irrelvant in the determination of gender roles.

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It's a travesty that there is such blatant discrimination in government institutions like family court. I am disgusted at the hardships you had to endure simply to stay with your child. I fully agree with you in that as men we must start talking about these injustices, and make the public aware of what is happening in family courts, because there are some who will never be in your position.

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Than you all for the thoughtful comments. I really appreciate it. I'm glad to know that at least my story will be a useful warning to others.

To Matt and Broadsword: I have heard this theory before; and, though my ex denies it, there may be some truth to it. But what does that say about these women and our society that some women are unwilling to "look after the kids" and are unwilling to let the man do it as well? These women still want control over the family without taking responsibility for the family. Something is messed up there. There shouldn't be anything wrong with someone staying home to look after the kids. Something bad has happened when this is no longer an acceptable way to raise a family.

To Hunchback: I agree with you in principle, but be careful with the term "mutual dissolution." Most divorces are not mutual, and in my state when one person wants out the marriage is deemed "irretrievably broken." If I didn't agree to that statement, it would've been a black mark against me in the custody battle. I think they would have viewed it as "abusive use of conflict" or something like that. In effect I was coerced into signing on to the divorce as mutual when it was not at all mutual. I think this happens a lot.

To Kris:

We actually discussed my staying home as a possibility for a long while before I stayed home, and she did agree to it. It did add a bit of stress though. I know her parents (who would eventually move to our state to cause more stress) kept pressing that this was a bad move financially and that if I do this it should be for a very short time.

I think it's great that you and your playgroup are so open-minded as to respect stay-at-home dads.

While shared parenting is important, I think it's even more important to make divorce with children more difficult. You are right that the ideal would be for all parents to consider that the future will not go as planned (I don't think my ex considered our son could possibly have any delays.). But, even if they didn't think things through, having children means a commitment to doing the best you can for them, and part of that is doing whatever you can to maintain an intact family for them. I think for some women the simple change of having a presumption of custody of minor children to the respondent would give them a little more reason to try to work their issues out. It is much like how some small changes to civil laws reduce the crime rate. It just makes the barrier a little higher, so some people think twice about it and decide to do the right thing instead. Right now, it is so easy for a woman to divorce, and she is practically guaranteed custody. So for women who put their own needs above those of their children (with the mantra of "If I'm happy then my children are happy.") there is no reason to stay married if there is even the slightest problem. We need a bigger barrier there -- as a society we should be saying to these women, "Show your children you are willing to work things out for their benefit. Show them you do not cut and run from you problems. Show them you put their needs first." Right now as a society we are saying, "Screw your kids. Cut and run, and we'll even glorify you for doing it. We'll make it as easy as possible for you and see to it things go your way."

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I really commend you for being willing to sacrifice yourself to enjoy your kid's childhood, it is indeed what of the things that is wrong with our society in that we dump our offspring in the hands of strangers, sometimes because we are not willing to put up with responsible parenthood, or sometimes because he have no other choice to be able to earn a living.

I don't agree that it was you who was at fault for choosing to stay at home, you made that choice as a parent, not a second hand male, and it was a right one, unfortunately prior to that you made an awful choice with your partner, and that backfired at you down the line. She is just a sorry human being, diseased by feminism, that's all.

Hopefully more more people will know your story, I agree that this needs more dissemination, and more men willing to stand up together to enforce a change in the judicial system of each's own countries. This is not limited to US or UK alone, men across the globe suffer for this.

Best wishes for you and your kid's future.

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