Australia: Sex discrimination chief wants power to initiate investigations

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick says her office should be given the power to initiate investigations into sexual harassment in the workplace.

Ms Broderick says some workplaces need to be investigated even if there is no specific complaint from a worker.

She says sex discrimination is often built into work cultures and is difficult to tackle.

"We should be able to look at maybe organisations, maybe sectors where we know sexual harassment is more prevalent and really work to provide some more systemic response than relying on an individual complaint," she said.

Ms Broderick has also called for the Federal Government to ensure women make up at least 40 per cent of all Government-appointed boards.'

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If that doesn't make you feel wigged out, nothing will. The power to enter an establishment and simply start investigating <whatever> is typically associated with tyrannies.

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If they get this power they'll be able to harass anyone who isn't giving women preferential treatment, that's what this is about.
Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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This also offends against some of the basic principals of justice. Although it is fading into oblivion now the legal tenant that there should be no prosecution without evidence of a crime was a strong pillar of justice until recently. Now we have the situation where the 'authorities' look for crime. As said above this is tyranny. Paul Craig Roberts in his book The Tyranny of Good Intentions deals with this topic very well.

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And, I'm sure the "investigations" will only be for so-called complains from females against males and NEVER males against females. Funny that, as I had to issue a harassment complaint against a female years ago at work. She would stalk me, send constant emails, and hang around my car at quitting time just to talk. Of course, my female boss didn't think anything of it.
It's also funny that we all had to watch a sexual harassment video some months prior. Of course, it just dealt with complaints against males. {sigh}


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The point could be digital-dreamer that there will not need to be any complaint at all under these proposals. The power they seek is the power to initiate investigations so there is no need for there to be a prior complaint. This was what I was trying to get at in my post above. What is proposed constitutes looking for 'crime'.

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the u.s. elects a moron w/ a subversive agenda and so the aussies follow suit, not to be outdone, i guess.

of course this will be used against men, w/ a token really bad woman thrown in once in a while, just so they can say it works both ways. old feminist tactic (ie c.s., alimony, etc.). if men don't augment their pitiful real income potential, they will eventually revert back to cave dwelling.

just another of the many many 'handout for halfwits' programs coming to a woman near you.

off topic, i see little email traffic about the senate committee handing the kenyan the off switch for the i-net. better hang on to those guns & ammo my friends. all he needs is an emergency, like a unending spill + unfettered illegals + a worsening economy + an upcoming election where he will lose all his power (and maybe his freedom) and poof, no communications allowed until mr. wonderful gets it all fixed, his way.

i think we are quickly approaching the bottom of that downward spiral where everything goes to .....?????

i expect some sort of Second Amendment repeal/attack, next. then he will have connected ALL the dots.

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