Canada: Divorced B.C. father kept from seeing child

Story here. Excerpt:

'Geesing said his ex-wife has been allowed to bar him from his daughter because a court order requiring her to co-operate is unenforceable.
...He and his wife separated in 2008, when the girl was eight years old. Since then, he said, his wife has tried to shut him out of his daughter's life completely.

"When I phone, I get the message 'She doesn't want to talk to you,'" said Geesing. "On her 10th birthday, I left flowers on her doorstep — that's it."

Geesing has had no contact with his child since March 2009.
"Why am I supposed to be the lesser parent?" asked Geesing. "The default [in the courts] should be equal, shared parenting. That should be the default."'

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Even worse in the article, where the mother accuses the father of taking inappropriate pictures (her teeth). The justice system is an embarrassment. They're basically forcing kidnapping! Seriously what else can the guy do? Not see his child ever again?! It would be like if the courts said that if you defend yourself while a person is trying to kill you, you'll go to jail. Kind of forcing your hand.

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the worse of these scumball legal prostitutes,
and send them to the nations heart, to screw up
everything they touch.

nah, i had nobody in mind.

let's put some real people in office.
somebody w/ a real education, and real world
experience to back it up.

why settle for these goons? heck, a lot of
people can read a teleprompter.

judges have been abusing the law for decades.
fairness, truth, justice, honor, equality under the law?
yeah, show me where you see any of that!

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