Australia: Hidden epidemic of women beating up men

Article here. Excerpt:

'WOMEN beating up their men - physically, emotionally or financially - has become a hidden epidemic because men are too scared of being labelled wimps if they cry for help.

A new study has found for male victims of "intimate partner abuse", the cumulative effect of repeat "knees in the nuts" or being heaped with scorn is a damaging erosion of self-worth.

But a typical response to men who do complain is, "C'mon, you're a bloke - get over it".

Similar to the pattern of abuse of women by men, it often starts with verbal, financial and psychological abuse, but over time escalates to physical and sometimes even sexual abuse.

The issue is even more under-reported for men than women, because men fear either being seen as wimps or not being believed, the study says.'

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As if we're property. Guess that's where the first problem lies: men are not property, not of the government, as when it wants to draft us, or of women, as when some among them want to take out their bad days on us.

I think this is an idea that needs to be stressed a bit more in MRA circles. Any time you hear or read a possessive form used to describe men relative to women or some other entity that would like to use us for its own gain, call bull$hit.

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There were comments in that story about financial abuse... whatever the intention of those statements it should be noted that women have been shown to commit domestic violence at rates equal to men for a while now (as far back as the studies go).

the privilege thing was just a dumb idea but even still; how could you bring up male privilege/dominance when women (wives) had power over the man's masculinity and children. Women even have more purchasing power, and thus have the economic dominance, even though men earn more.

whether comming from individual experience or societal point of view it should not be surprising at all that women are as abusive as men are in relationships including physical violence.

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And if you throw in verbal abuse, women are MORE abusive in relationships than men by a wide margin. The only thing hidden is the multitude of peer-reviewed DV studies for the last thirty-five years. To call it an epidemic is like calling the common cold an epidemic. It's been part of the background music for years.

May as well get used to it. As more and more common knowledge pierces the Lace Curtain it will be seen as some great revelation.

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