Canada: Abusive mother of 8 jailed for 4 years

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Montreal mother of eight has been sentenced to four years in prison for assaulting five of her children.

The woman, who cannot be named to protect the identity of her children, was found guilty of assault and assault with a weapon in April.

The 44-year-old single mother showed no reaction as the sentence was handed down Monday at the Montreal courthouse.
In the 44-year-old woman's case, court was told the beatings began after each of her children, who are from seven different fathers, turned five.

Some of the children endured violence for more than a decade before they were taken away from their mother by youth protection officials.

Officials intervened three years ago after the woman's 14-year old daughter complained to police.
Defence lawyer Mary Raposo told the court the woman misses her children and is doing everything she can to get them back.

She recommended a three- to six-month sentence so that the woman can continue her rehabilitation.

Instead, the judge accepted the Crown's recommendation for a sentence of four years.'

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Isn't it a strange commentary on the world that a mother who tortures her children for years, is reported, and no one steps in to help the kids for years after the original reports. It took MANY reports over years by all of her children to get anyone to even lift a finger to help them. Yet, had any of the kid claimed any of the 7 different baby daddies had toughed one of them inappropriately immediate action would have been taken and the man accused would receive AT LEAST that 4 year sentence and also a lifetime on the sex offender registry.

Every study on child abuse shows that MOM leads in every category except sexual abuse and yet even when it comes to physical abuse that raises to the level of extreme torture, it takes years of constant complaining for any allegations to be taken seriously and the sentence for the severity and number of victims is shockingly low. Imagine, a man who sexually abused 7 minors for years, do you think he would get only 4 years these days? Well, I'd argue that these poor kids are AT LEAST as traumatized and most certainly physically scarred then a minor who was sexually abused, so why the lack of punishment and outrage in this case? Why is physical and psychological torture of children so acceptable in our society?

Who wants to wager she gets custody back when she gets out in a year or so? Pre-trial custody counts for double credit in Canada, and females usually get paroled at the 1/3 point of their sentence so I's wager she spends AT MOST 1 year in prison and retains custody, child support (what you think she has s7 kids from 7 different men because she wants to work? Fuck no, she wanted 7 child support checks every month), and the young vulnerable ones will be returned to her care immediately upon her release and be informed mommy's all better now and they must forgive her for torturing them. Then she'll hurt them 10 times worse then she's ever hurt them before and tell them if they ever report her again, she'll kill them. And the happy mommy will continue to live off the men she tricked into fucking her. And life will be fine. Just my theory but I'd be willing to put real money on it being pretty damn close to what actually happens.

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This travesty, along with the two 10-yr-old boys convicted for playing doctor, leave me speechless. Maybe even sleepless. Also notice that comments are disabled.

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It's likely because people are hearing more and more about such cases and realizing that this sick bitch is getting off relatively light. I am not saying sexual abuse is trivial or not damaging, but when you compare most alleged claims of sexual abuse the level of brutality this woman has been convicted of is virtually absent and the extreme rarity. Yet, men convicted of even minor sexual offenses against minors receive much harsher sentences then this woman has. Is that fair and justifiable, I am not in a position to say. However, it stands to reason that the 7 children tortured by this deranged sadistic woman would be AT LEAST as damaged psychologically and almost certainly carry physical scars with them for the rest of their days.

It is the hypocrisy of our society that I am trying to highlight. In such that some victims are considered to be more worthy of their victim status regardless of the level of harm brought upon them, as long as the trespass against them was sexual in nature. Physical abuse raising to the level of extreme torture such as the case here, is treated as less serious and the victims are not given as much support or sympathy (Like I said, I bet that the ones that are to young to live on their own are given back to her when she gets out). I find that a tragic flaw in society. I mean according to Statistics Canada, in child homicides right up to the age of 14 the most likely perpetrator of the killing is the child's biological mother. Though nothing was mentioned of that fact for the last week the media in Canada has been screaming about a father and son being convicted in an honor killing of a teen girl - they got life. Will this mom get life when she kills one or more of her kids when she gets out? Oh, and what registry will keep this woman from working with vulnerable groups when she gets out since only sex offenders are flagged in Canada? See how in some cases, victims get priority and in others like this one, they don't really matter even if they are young children?

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The comments are disabled because the CBC is as far left as you can get.
The fact that they even printed the article is amazing in itself.
They have stifled debate when they knew they would be bombarded.


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