F & F Writes Column for Cleveland Plain Dealer Criticizing ‘Deadbeat Dad’ Raids
Article here. Excerpt:
'In Father’s Day ‘Deadbeat Dad’ Raids Unfairly Target Hard-Luck Dads (Cleveland Plain Dealer, 6/19/10), Ned Holstein, M.D., M.S. and I criticize the annual tradition among some sheriffs and attorneys general of launching “deadbeat dad” raids in honor of Father’s Day.
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Dr. Holstein and I wrote:
That most “deadbeats” are really dead broke can be seen by taking a look at the “Most Wanted Deadbeat Parent” posters put out by many attorneys general and county sheriffs. For example, authorities in Ohio recently launched a highly-publicized campaign against “deadbeats,” yet the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services’ “Most Wanted” poster features only blue-collar workers of limited means.
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Solution Simple!
The state should only be concerned that the bare minimum in support is being met as in an intact marriage. That would solve alot of problems.
Also, these fatassed freeloading mothers who live off child support should be made to work too!
mother's have so much more
mother's have so much more support from the state that fathers don't.
Women have choices. Men have obligations.
What part of that do you not understand? ONLY women know when they are futile every month. When it comes to pregnancy and children, the rule is - whatever mommy wants, mommy gets.
Time for change.