Presidential Proclamation--Father's Day

Document here. Excerpt:

'From the first moments of life, the bond forged between a father and a child is sacred. Whether patching scraped knees or helping with homework, dads bring joy, instill values, and introduce wonders into the lives of their children. Father's Day is a special time to honor the men who raised us, and to thank them for their selfless dedication and love.

Fathers are our first teachers and coaches, mentors and role models. They push us to succeed, encourage us when we are struggling, and offer unconditional care and support. Children and adults alike look up to them and learn from their example and perspective. The journey of fatherhood is both exhilarating and humbling it is an opportunity to model who we want our sons and daughters to become, and to build the foundation upon which they can achieve their dreams.'

Great words. I just wish the legal system as well as this and previous administrations acted like they believed them.

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Obama's Father's Day proclamation was a garden variety address. His advisors probably told him that if he puts his foot in his mouth, he'll likely get a foot in his...

Or it could be that the BP fiasco was a distraction. Pols tend not to go looking for controversy during crises.

Or maybe he's beginning to realize he's projecting his father issues. (One writer described Obama stabbing his finger in the air, excoriating fathers, as "trying to impale a ghost." Brilliant!)

But other than political expediency, he hasn't learned much. The website emphasizes "responsible" fatherhood, and is of very little value unless you're an ex-con. He is absolutely ignorant of what the average disenfranchised father faces, and, because of the people he surrounds himself with, he will remain that way.

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