Israel: Men jailed, women not: protest arrest and detention double-standards

Story here. Excerpt:

'Dozens of Israeli men were in jail on Friday a day after ultra-Orthodox Jews staged their largest protest in 10 years in support of parents who defied a supreme court ruling on school integration.

But 22 mothers of pupils at an ultra-Orthodox girls' school in a West Bank settlement were given a stay of arrest while the court considered a plea to let them stay at home to care for their young families.

Settlers' news website Channel 7 and public radio said Judge Edmund Levy decided that the court would reconvene on Sunday to discuss the request.

Israeli media said that some of the mothers were pregnant, while others had children with special needs. Ultra-Orthodox families generally have large families, far above the average of the secular Israeli population.'

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... for care-taking of the children? Be that as it may that ultra-Orthodox people in Israel may have large families, is it any easier for one woman to look after 8 kids than for one man? The sexism stinks to high heaven. Either they are all candidates for consideration in leniency in detention based on the needs of their families or they are not. Picking based on sex in unacceptable.

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However, to anyone NOT associated with the MRA community this kind of sexism is as automatic as breathing and it would never even cross their minds that this may be wrong.

Such is the world we seek to change. Anti-male bias is much more ingrained in both genders then any anti-female bias ever was. Heck their have been entire societies in history that would only allow men near children in a caring capacity who had been CASTRATED - talk about FGM being harmful, the practice of castration was common until the early 20th century. bias in favor of female prerogative with children is older then civilization it's self and will be much more difficult to overcome then any workplace bias women have ever faced.

Do ultra-orthodox Jews even see this kind of treatment as unfair? Would the males or females involved choose to have it any other way?

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Anti-male bias is much more ingrained in both genders then any anti-female bias ever was....bias in favor of female prerogative with children is older then civilization it's self

...and both profoundly factual statements are causally related—smoke and fire.

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