Study: Men More Affected than Woman by Ups and Downs of Relationships

Article here. Excerpt:

'Contrary to popular belief, men are more affected by a rocky relationship than their female counterparts, according to new research from Wake Forest University.

Research shows that women have a harder time coping with a breakup, but the guys are the ones who feel more stress and strain when the relationship hits a rough patch, researchers found. On the upside, men also get more of a psychological and emotional boost when the relationship is healthy.

"Common wisdom says that women are more hurt by problems in a relationship," says Robin Simon, lead researcher on the study and a sociologist at Wake Forest, "but we found that the benefits of support [in a relationship] and the disadvantages of strain are exaggerated for the men."

"Men are more sensitive than we often think they are," she says.'

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That's because men are expected to please their women - make amends, apologize, do better, make more money, get gifts, predict what she's thinking, say exactly what she wants you to say, etc. - your every minute is spent worrying about whether she is happy and what you are doing about it. And, if you don't, you will hear about it. In other words, your mental well being and happiness revolves entirely around her.
Is it worth it? Is this the way it's supposed to be?
No and no.

How many women actually think of doing anything to please men, other than when they want something in return?
Yep, that's right.


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American men are WAY TOO DEPENDENT on their wives and girlfriends for emotional support. They need to establish and maintain networks of men, that can give them support (and non-sexual networks with women too, but that is going too far so far as many women are concerned). Without extended networks for men, when there are relationship problems, all of a man's emotional eggs aren't in one basket (with the woman). Not only will extended networks be good for the men, in that they will have more confidence and be better adjusted, but ultimately it will be better for the women too. At first such a development will be perceived to be a threat to the women's dominance of the relationship... many of the women will see that their exclusive control over the man's emotional well-being is thereby eroded. But ultimately, the women will appreciate that being with a well adjusted man is better than being with a man who is walking on egg-shells, afraid that he will upset his partner, afraid to take risks (like tell the truth).

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Yes, you hit the nail on the head! That's what this is largely about.

I've been thinking that the current emotional support system, or lack thereof, for men as being the ultimate source of a lot of our problems. I've been trying to think of a good way to start such networks which would create stability, well roundedness, and whatever else is important to more genuine male bonding. I also think this would have a larger impact on the ways men treat each other, especially strangers.

Do you have any suggestions as to what would encourage a meaningful place/interaction for men? A "man space" is not enough if it is just about sports or bars. What are some examples past and present where such interaction takes place. I can think of a good one in recent western history and that was the coffee shops. in the 1600's. I don't expect something like that to happen right away nor would I try to completely replicate the coffee shops above but a step in right direction is all we need.

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had civic and religious entities, (example:the church),
as a place to go to get interaction w/ other males AND females. the married gravitated to married groups and unmarried to same, thereby, NOT giving opportunity to
tragedy, or at least keeping it to a minimum.

today, we have men and women going to a job, or staying at home, or whatever they want to do. interacting very little, in any serious way, or having a fling, and then going home and continuing their marriage. those not wanting marriage are told bars and clubs are the way to meet. the i-net has opened the doors to meeting more people, and maybe that's a good thing.

it seems to me that we have COMPLETELY changed EVERYTHING about this male/female meeting/interaction thing, yet allowed the laws to still treat us all as though we were all living in the 1950's. she still gets the gold mine, he still gets the shaft. nuttin's changed, and it has created a mess.
the proof is in the pudding. excuses aside, the vast majority of divorces are filed by women, with women also filing almost all divorces involving children. they get the stuff because they get the children, it's simple.

unfortunately, it is a mess at least 1/2 involved are standing behind because they are still favored in all this stagnant law. not to mention the lawyers, sheriffs, jailers, court personnel, janitors, cooks, bakers and candle stick makers, et al making a living by denying joint custody to men, loading them down w/ unbearable debt, and making it ($$$) again when he inevitably comes around again on default.

you don't have to be smart to see what is happening; but, you do have to be wise to see that it is the path to our own destruction. however, i say it again, once somebody starts making $$$ in this culture there is almost no way to stop it. just look how abortion has grown. same type thing.

$$$ for nothing, and the chicks for free. i wish.

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fondueguy makes a good point. Maybe a decent "man space" would be a men-only spa/gym. I could see it, Gladiator, a men's work-out space for guys seriously trying to get into shape, possibly with a social networking sideline. Of course, it would have to weather the feminist challenges.

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To be honest my first reaction was; oh great more sports when I want to guys to be more supportive of each other and care about more general issues that affect them.

Then I realized that in weightlifting you literally have someone to spot you. In those exercises you already have a trust thing going on from one man to another. Also the guys are there to improve upon themselves (physically) and are often supporting another Guy to do the same. There's probably some competition but its probably a good kind. Some competition is good because you want to push each other and when they workout there is total openness; they are sharing with each other what they know and exactly how they improved. Its not like football where deception between teams is key.

Its brilliant in so many ways and even fits in with current masculinity. If advertised correctly I'm sure it would be a success. You encourage the social networks, which should be a big draw. Lastly you could put up information about jobs and men's health to help them out.

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