Netherlands: Unemployed women given £1,000 makeovers to help them find a solvent husband

Article here. Excerpt:

"Women on the dole are being offered a £1,150 fashion and beauty makeover and membership to a dating agency to help them find a wealthy husband.

Dutch jobseekers are being given a new hairstyle and outfit and tips from a lifecoach on how to attract a new partner.

The scheme has been slammed by local politicians who criticised the deal as unethical and a waste of taxpayers money.

Under the scheme, the women will be given instructions on how to present themselves socially and offered a place on an exclusive matchmaking website called Mens & Relatie (People and Relationships).

They will have professional photographs of their new image to boost their dating profile.

The scheme is being offered by three councils in Friesland, in the north of the Netherlands.

They estimate that if 70 women find a solvent husband, the council can save £330,000 on welfare payments."

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Is this the Land of the Independent Woman? Or not? I guess if anything it's the Land of the Indulged Woman anyway.

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What men should learn from this proposal is that women seek husbands for financial gain and nothing else.Women are actually despicable. This is just an open indication of just how despicable they are.

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I suppose that comes in handy when it's time to dissolve the marriage.

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Folks, I will say it over and over again:

Pre Marital Agreement

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otomo pre-marital agreements are not binding in much of the world. Where I live they have no legal status at all. In other places they can be varied and overturned. They don't give any real protection.

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of gynatropolis, i can see how this type of submission,
by government mangynas, seems to make perrrfect sense. get them looking good, smelling good, feeling good, er, excuse me a momen...

ok, i'm back.
this is the logic that fathers of girls have been using
for thousands of years. anything to get rid of them.

except for their main redeeming feature, their large brains,
most females just invent so much stuff, create so much wealth, and generally are so selfless when it comes to wanting to pay for everything themselves w/o any help from anyone, that i can see how these worthless men just want them out of their houses.

i think i see a fem-based equation taking shape.
70 women find useless husbands and approx $500,000 (us)savings on welfare payments. hmmmmm.

just think, if here in the u.s. we find husbands for 70,000,000 women we could save zillions of $$. pay off the debt, and everybody live happily ever after. somebody go tell the prez. she is tops w/ numbers and getting stuff done in a timely manner. just look how much she saving me in suntan OIL this summer. the prez is a woman right? i mean, i heard she was the head feminist.

anyway, if we spend trillions of $$$ on stuff for women, spas, facials, etc., we can make this work. maybe ms. pelosi can put together a bill of spending and rush it through so we can then see what it says and how much we saved.

golly geeze, that makes peerrrrrct sense here in gynatropolis.

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@manonthestreet There has to be an equivalent, over here they are not called pre-marital agreements, they are called "capitulations" and they are legally binding if done properly.

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Prenuptial agreements (aka pre-marital agreement) cannot contradict the laws of the area in which you live. For example, I live in a community property state (which is the law in most of the USA). Community property means that all money earned through work and purchases during the marriage are shared 50/50 as well as all debt.

A prenuptial agreement cannot change that fact, but it can agree as to whom gets what, as long as the value of community property and debt is split 50/50. You can also agree which items are owned before marriage, and therefor separate individual property, and what their current value is. You can also agree as to how value of property will be calculated at the time of a split.

If you own a house prior to marriage, and it goes up in value, and you divorce 10 years later. That house is your separate individual property and not community marital property, and the financial gain is passive and not from work, so the gain is yours to keep as well.

It can get confusing when you buy and sell property throughout your marriage by using profits from a pre-marriage separate property to purchase post-marriage community property, like my husband and I have done, but a good pre-marital agreement can help straighten it out, if we were ever to split.

PS- I am in the USA, I have no idea how prenuptial agreements work in other countries.

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-->but it can agree as to whom gets what, as long as the value of community property and debt is split 50/50. You can also agree which items are owned before marriage, and therefor separate individual property, and what their current value is.<--

There you go.

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@otomo. Sadly not. I live in the UK and here they have no legal standing at all. In other part of Europe different rules apply. I believe people get divorced here just to avoid any such agreement that may have been made abroad. The courts are not forced to accept them. This is my understanding.

Before our recent election it was suggested that they could be made legally binding but this was just something that was said and I don't expect it to happen any time soon.

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Before we get to drawn in to the idea of pre-nuptial agreements lets not loose sight of the injustice in transferring any assets between spouses. Private property should be owned by individuals. The state should not seek to transfer property from one person to another. There should be no legal obligation on any person to support their spouse. Everybody should be individual and own their own property and wages. If two people choose to occupy the same house and have sex as well then that should in no way give either a claim on the others property and earnings.

I for one will say it clearly that I never got married so that I could spend the rest of my life supporting another person. I will also add that I never got married with the thought that someone else would support me. Actually I would have very much liked to have been the kept man of a wealthy woman instead of a jerk working for others benefit.

Don't marry is the only way.

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*Don't marry is the only way.*

What gives, that does not work in southamerica, I'm not sure if it's the same on other parts of the world but, you have a given timeline, say, for example, 5 years, of living under the same roof with a person you have a relationship with, if they can prove that in court, it's the same as marriage, the have rights to your assets.

It's to the point that if your parents divorced and one of them went on to live with another person, unmarried and all, and he or she dies, and there is no will of inheritance, you will have *a legal* claimant to your father or mother estate.

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They actually force you into a marriage... wtf.

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