Abusegate Targets Anti-Family Lawmakers for Electoral Defeat

From Abusegate Bob:

This press release went out to about 20,000 media outlets today:

WASHINGTON / June 9, 2010 – Twenty national lawmakers, known for their advocacy of policies that promote false allegations and serve to break-up families, have been targeted for electoral defeat in November.

The 20 lawmakers are supporters of discriminatory laws such as the International Violence Against Women Act that are known to violate fundamental civil rights and escalate partner tensions. The 20 Democratic and Republican lawmakers are listed at the end of this press release.

“Domestic violence laws that promote ‘false allegations’ of domestic violence contribute to the destruction of families. Such laws remove the right of many children to know one of their parents, and often their grandparents,” explains Sheryle Hutter of Colorado. “Thanks to such laws, my son hasn’t seen his daughter for 10 years, and I have not seen my grandchild for more than 3 years.”

The use of false abuse allegations to gain a tactical edge in child custody cases has been extensively documented: http://www.saveservices.org/downloads/VAWA-A-Culture-of-False-Allegations

A growing number of civil rights organizations are questioning “get-tough” domestic violence laws. The Washington Civil Rights Council has described the Violence Against Women Act as the “biggest civil rights roll-back since the Jim Crow era.” Last year the Connecticut chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union successfully challenged a case in which a man falsely-accused of domestic violence was denied the right to a hearing.

Women’s groups such as Concerned Women for America have also expressed concerns with what it calls violence against women “misinformation.” In May 5, 2010 testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Concerned Women for America warned that abuse-reduction programs need to “take the ‘gender’ politics and ‘politically-correct’ agenda out of the public policy solutions.”

The effectiveness of domestic violence programs is likewise being challenged. According to Department of Justice official Angela Moore Parmley, “We have no evidence to date that VAWA [Violence Against Women Act] has led to a decrease in the overall levels of violence against women.”

Research shows women are as likely as men to initiate physical abuse against their intimate partners: http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm. But VAWA-funded programs may present misleading statistics.
Barbara Boxer - California
Mark Kirk - Illinois
Russ Carnahan - Missouri
Arlen Specter - Pennsylvania
Patty Murray - Washington

Vic Snyder – Arkansas
Lucille Roybal-Allard - California
Jeff Miller – Florida
Jim Marshall - Georgia
Walt Minnick - Georgia
John Tierney - Massachusetts
Donna Edwards - Maryland
Larry Kissel – North Carolina
Paul Hodes – New Hampshire
Rush Holt – New Jersey
Ben Luján – New Mexico
Mary Joe Kilroy - Ohio
David Wu – Oregon
Ted Poe - Texas
Steve Kagen - Wisconsin

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Carly Fiorina has been declared the winner in the Republican primary tonight and will apparently be the Senatorial candidate with the best chance of getting VAWA sponsor Babs Boxer out of office.

In honor of Abusegate Bob's call to support the opposition candidate going against Boxer, I dedicate this song.
Let the games begin. I'm going to do what I can to oust Boxer.

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Just heard results from yesterday's primaries. Although the newscaster presented the results as incumbents repelling political threats, the subsequent commentary focused exclusively on the possibility of electing far more women to Congress.

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These conservative women have a lot to prove, considering how ex-Governor, Sarah Palin appears to be as dumb as dirt on gender feminist fraud in gender issues.

I wonder how many of these Republican women will want my work on their campaigns, after I ask them to take a look at Los Misandry and ask them what their position is on the Violence Against Women Act?

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