'Come for the Pizza, Stay for the Deconstruction of Masculinity'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Getting teenage boys to engage in gender theory can require a soft approach. The vague title of the clubs—“Men of Strength”—dodges the activist implications of the D.C.-based organization that runs them: Men Can Stop Rape. At the beginning of each school year, MOST facilitators arrive on campus and lure in participants. “Last year, we were hanging out outside school, and some people were like, ‘we need some males over here to eat some free pizza,’” says Eugene, a 16-year-old junior at Foggy Bottom’s School Without Walls. At that first MOST meeting, Eugene and a dozen other guys were fed pizza and offered free movie tickets; over the next school year, they came back each Tuesday for the pizza, and gradually advancing conversations on gender. Now, “I kind of like to keep the MOST club secret from other dudes,” says Eugene. “We all have this strong connection with each other . . . But also, if you bring more people in, then there are fewer slices.”'

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...it's about immaturity. What this is really about is giving these boys some much needed guidance from mature men. Masculinity, contrary to feminist teaching, isn't about "hooting and hollering" at women. Anything but.

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Selling one's soul for the world is a bad, bad bargain!

BUT FOR A PIECE OF PIZZA???????????????

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This is like what paedophiles do. They coax young kids in with treats and then proceed to groom them. This is very sinister. Brainwashing young boys to believe they are some how sick and need to be more like girls and preferably homosexual. Social construction theory is widely held to be an absurd explaination of human behaviour, it has no scientific basis whatsoever and is used as a political tool. Amanda Hess has already been exposed as a radical lesbian feminist so if she thinks it's a good idea then there's a problem. The people behind this group need to be dealt with in a very harsh manner.

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"what crap... women want all the rights of men and yet expect all these ridiculous protections. Yes they know exactly what their doing. On the same token why don't we put women's sexuality in the closet. Lets say none of them should be wearing sexy clothes in public or try to seduce any Guy by flaunting. Or do we assume that all men want it... trust me there are plenty of women I would not mind being covered up as opposed to their flaunting... grown men don't holler at 10 year old kids (without condemnation) yet how many kids have seen a woman's thong, half her breast, impression of her nipples, and so on just by walking in public.

your just delusional if you think women aren't active in the sex game, to much lifetime crap I guess... on a personal note I've seen a lot more inappropriateness in public by women then men when it comes to touching (I'm a young adult), including myself.

people like you guys who come from the thinking that all boys want sex all the time while girls are just fragile little creatures looking for love are the biggest objectifyers in existence. Its thinking like that made it so hard for people to accept that boys can be rapped by their female teachers."

ill admit that it is a bit aggressive but it really annoys me when people try to have it both ways. Also it wasn't censored because of the word crap, unless the moderator thinks Jack Dumas is his real name. On a side note toysoldier seems insightful.

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what is the point... women shouldn't ever feel intimidated. A girl could feel intimidated/overwhelmed by being in a room full of boys. She could feel intimidated if she does not understand them. She could be intimidated by another girl or competition in all its forms.

The Guy is just an idiot if that's what he thinks will help kids. Of all the things they need help with this is what he decides on, just ignore petty things like relationships, dropout rates, fatherless homes, teen pregnancy, and so on.

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