UK: Two young boys convicted of raping an 8-year-old girl
Submitted by Hunchback on Thu, 2010-05-27 18:48
Recently there was a story posted about two 10-year-old boys accused of raping an 8-year-old girl. She later recanted, admitting that she lied to avoid missing out on sweets. Readers were outraged that the judge told her she'd "done nothing wrong." End of story?
The Crown continued with the prosecution as if nothing had happened and on Monday...the innocent 10-year-old boys were CONVICTED of attempted rape!
I thought this flagrant injustice against young boys would galvanize the MRM much like the Emmett Till murder galvanized the civil rights movement. To date the MR blogsphere has been strangely silent on this.
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Sorry hunchback, MRAs are scared of sex crime issues
While this is among the saddest things I have ever heard, placing 10 year old boys on the sex offender registry, the MRA movement won't touch issues like this with a 10 foot pole because the MRA movement is mostly controlled by the fathers rights movement and the average father wants as many sex offenders put to death as can be and does not want to be associated with rights of accused sex offenders in any way shape or form because they are already fighting false accusations in divorce proceedings.
That, in a nutshell is why you won't see MRAs move to enact changes in laws regarding sex crimes any time soon Hunchback.
They simply fail to make the connection that sex crime laws are the single largest human rights violation males of all ages face these days. This case proves that beyond ANY doubt whatsoever.
Seriously dads, how effective is a sex offender registry in keeping your kids safe from harm when 10 year old boys are on the fucking list?
Mark my words, AWA and the various versions of Meagan's Law are orders of magnitude more harmful to male citizens of the USA then VAWA ever will be. Yet MRAs are extremely quiet about the issues cases like this smash people in the face with. Cases like this are the elephant in the room that no one is talking about.
You know, Paragon...
I think I'm going to follow Angry Harry's lead and just take a time out from all things MRM. I don't know what disgusts me worse, the blatant hatred that destroyed these two young boys or the bland indifference of the [heavy sarcasm]men's movement [/heavy sarcasm].
I guess most of these guys aren't interested in anything that doesn't involve the Illuminati.
war on boys fathers cause
aside from their complete absence of morals the prosecutors were actually very proactive when they decided to go foreward with the case after hearing the girl lie; they made an exception for her because she is young... yet they had no problem with trying 10 year old boys for rape.
As for the silence of the MRM, I can't really say much as I am new to all this. As far as I can tell the fathers movement needs to say two things. One being that fathers are important for their children. The second is fighting the presumption of guilt for men as criminals and at the same time presuming the honesty of women. Father's rights and men's rights in regards to sex crime are too closely related to only focus on only one in my opinion.
I can understand that some MRA's just focus on safer issues like trying to preserve the father-child bond or recognizing all victims of DV. Bringing the truth out about domestic violence should have a very broad effect on men's rights, including fathers and even help to bring more equal status to the genders when sex crimes are involved. It will make things more concrete when a woman lies or misbehaves, the presumption of innocence and fragility should diminish. That being said I still think it is weak for the MRM to basically say "some of us are good" instead of fighting for men's rights in general; its like asking for permission and that puts you at a lower status.
Considering the school beating, staged arrest, and now 10 year old "sex offenders", I think the MRM should have said something under the theme war on boys.
The UK
Wow the UK really is a hell hole police state. Notice to people in the UK, don't even let your sons near women, lest the be put on some fucking list for the rest of their lives. RIDICULOUS.
The MRM already get's called a pedophile organization
They are scared shitless of things like this because the opposition - feminists and their supporters - already call the MRM a bunch of pedophiles and abusers every chance they get. So it makes the MRM scared to stand up for injustice for fear of being painted as being in support of the worst humanity can imagine.
Most MRAs in America have never read AWA and have no idea how easily this can happen in the USA (no minimum age for AWA either people).
Plus, this is merely a precursor to the next round. These kids were playing "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" the old fashioned way. Next time it will be the kids and/or the parents facing child porn charges because this generation of pre-teen kids has and knows how to use camera phones.
Imagine this, 8 year old girl snaps picture of herself using dads blackberry playing this same game with a boy in her class. Does not delete it. Dad has his presentation on that phone for the next day at the office, hooks phone to projector, presses wrong button, recent photos displays 100" tall in front of the entire office..... dad goes directly to jail, does not pass Go, does not collect $200. The boy she sent the picture to either brags about his first girlfriend and shows off the pic, or gets caught using phone in class and a teacher discovers it... boy goes directly to jail, does not pass Go, does not collect $200.
Even if the kids never sent the pictures and took them for their own use (I have no idea why, but many young females take pictures of themselves naked for whatever reason even though they do not want to show them to anyone), family is going on vacation, airport security asks to see phones to prove they are real working phones as happens every day.... you know the rest.
Oh, you think the laws make exceptions for these innocent harmless types of occurrences and no one ends up on the sex offender registry as a convicted producer of child pornography over this type of thing. Well, don't ever read the laws, but take my advice and really clean out your laptops, phones and your kids Nintendo DSi or iPod nano before letting them leave the house each day. If you are in Canada, those baby pictures are legal for you to own, but NOT legal to show to ANYONE (including people at the developing shop so print them off at home yourself) so be careful at the wedding reception when you think about embarrassing the blushing bride.
Trust me, the laws against sex are far more dangerous to the average citizen then the laws regarding DV.