UK: Rape case defendants to be given anonymity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Defendants in rape cases are to be granted anonymity in an unexpected move that women’s groups immediately branded an insult.
The announcement over anonymity for defendants in rape trials turns the clock back 30 years to the 1970s, when the Sexual Offences Act introduced anonymity for those accused of rape. It was later repealed. Officials said that details of the change had yet to be decided. It is expected that the ban will be lifted after a suspect is convicted.

The proposal provoked anger among campaigners. Ruth Hall, of Women Against Rape, said that the decision was an insult and a backlash against the rising number of rape reports. “More attention needs to be paid to the 94 per cent of reported cases that do not end in conviction rather than the few that are false,” she said. “If men accused of rape got special rights to anonymity, it would reinforce the misconception that lots of women who report rape are lying. False rape allegations are extremely rare but receive disproportionate publicity.”"

A report by Baroness Stern earlier this year recommended that independent research should first be done into the scale of false rape allegations.'

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I think I have to see this as a move in the right direction. It is, at least to me, surprising that any government would do anything for men. I hope this is just the start of a larger process that will see female privilege rolled back a little. I know Angry Harry only see this as a partial step forwards but even a partial step should be welcomed.

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I second that.

I agree 100% Trotter. This gives those men falsely accused a tiny bit more peace as they will not have to battle old media coverage of their arrest long after their acquittal. It's a tiny step, and it by no means fixes the problems those falsely accused face, like you said, 'even a partial step should be welcomed'. The entire world should stand and take notice of the courage of the new coalition government in the UK and follow this shining example of fairness and justice FOR ALL.


To those insulted femnuts, what's the rush to punish? After the conviction, sex offenders have the rest of their lives to face punishment and they just keep passing new laws to punish them over and over again, so you still get your wish that the perpetrators suffer for the rest of their days on Earth.

As for the femnut theory that there will be more rapes because of laws like this, again I would kindly like to refer you to the previous paragraph, and ask any femnut reading this; how does pre-trial anonymity affect attaining a CONVICTION on an actual rapist? Does the theory not go something like this: 'Harsh punishments make people fearful to commit crimes'? So, if the rapists wont rape cause they fear the punishment which in most countries is now harsher then even the crime of murder; and no one is saying the punishment will change POST CONVICTION; how will pre-tial anonymity be an incentive to would be rapists to go out and rape? If they get caught the anonymity lasts only until the guilty verdict is reached, and then the punishment begins, so where's the problem? Oh yeah, you think "All men are rapists, and that's all that they are" so you are in favor of punishing ANY man at the earliest opportunity because you've found him guilty in the feminist court of law because he has a penis.

Isn't convictions what you femnuts are after, or are you just looking for a good old fashioned lynching? What part of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY in a court of law do you femnuts have trouble understanding? I get the fact that it is a whole phrase and not just two letters like the word no (the word you're always accusing men of not understanding), but it's still pretty basic English and aren't women supposed to be better at reading comprehension then men? That little phrase should be a synch to understand for the superior language and reading comprehension skills of the female mind, right?

So in conclusion - piss off and worry about what 6 year olds think their vagina's smell like or how your clit is a machine gun or some such nonsense The Vagina Monolouges told you a to keep your minds off of how baldy you feel the world treats women. Go to Lilith Fair this year (they are having trouble selling tickets just like the first time around), dance naked in the forest and worship the great Goddess or whatever. Occupy your time with the useless but generally harmless things you do in your spare time. Get some grass root support for your pro-feminist porn initiatives and stop asking for tax payer money for it cause the tax payers don't pay for the porn people actually watch so they shouldn't pay for your porn that will do nothing but encourage more old women to go out and commit 'good rape' (you know the definition, you've seen that play a hundred times on Valentine's Day) on young girls. Talk amongst yourselves about Operah's latest book recommendation or how abused you feel by tampon ads - I really don't care - just stay the hell out of matters of a legal nature cause you've done nothing but fuck up the justice system for forty plus years now.

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