Ireland: Lecturer fights sanctions after showing colleague bat-sex article
Article here. Excerpt:
'A UNIVERSITY lecturer disciplined after he showed a female colleague an article about the sex life of fruit bats is demanding his sanctions be reversed.
Dr Dylan Evans, who lectures in behavioural science at University College Cork (UCC) School of Medicine, says the university president Professor Michael Murphy has imposed harsh sanctions on him for showing an article from a peer-reviewed scientific journal to a colleague.
Now, UCC is at the centre of an embarrassing international debate on political correctness.
The university refused to officially comment on his claim that a two-year period of intensive monitoring and counselling had been imposed. But a copy of the president's letter posted online confirms the sanctions.
A UCC spokesman agreed that an investigation had been held into an allegation of sexual harassment. The investigation was completed and the spokesman would not make any further comment.
The president then wrote to Dr Evans saying that he was requesting him to engage in training and counselling and to complete a period of monitoring and appraisal.
"Behaviour of this type is utterly unacceptable and should any further complaint of sexual harassment made against you be upheld, I will have no hesitation but to proceed with the university's disciplinary procedures," he wrote.'
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Alone with a colleague at all of the opposite sex in a college?
If I were a prof in a uni, I would not even be alone with a female colleague much less talk to her except for strictly collegiate business matters. The chances of stepping on a politically incorrect feminist landmine even inadvertently are simply too great. I have known quite a few college profs (male ones) and they agree that avoiding contact with female colleagues, not because they view them as inferior or for "male chauvinist" reasons, is the wisest way to keep from being in this guy's place.
No matter how "cool" you think a female colleague is, in the university environment where "INTOLERANCE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!", the programming can be triggered at any time, and what seemed to be a funny moment of ribaldry between colleagues becomes an international embarrassment for everyone eventually leading (as we know it will) to the demise of at least one career, probably two. This is what happens when ideology mixed with immaturity are raised to legal-matter levels. Despite all the times I have been told I'd make a great teacher, you still couldn't pay me enough to get near the toxic environment of today's classrooms, the carcass stinking from kindergarten up through the PhD level.
let universities crash and burn
Universities have become so twisted and perverse, so bureaucratic, so dominated by Feminists, and so out of touch with what needs to be taught to young people, I say to all young men - learn what you need to know in other ways, and steer clear of the university. If you really need a degree, try on-line universities.
young men giving up and abandoning the universities is exactly what the feminists are angling for—de facto all-women colleges. Seems we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.
hmmm.. I haven't heard much from Ireland. How is men's rights doing over there?
I think Matt's advice is a good and reasonable form of protest; when the option is there though.
There's a petition calling
There's a petition calling for a change in harssment policy. Excerpt:
"We the undersigned demand that University College Cork (UCC) change its policy on harassment so that it cannot be used any longer to limit academic freedom and stifle debate. We also demand that the President of UCC, Professor Michael Murphy, reverse his decision to sanction a lecturer, Dr Dylan Evans, for doing nothing more than showing an article from a peer-reviewed scientific journal to a colleague.
The article was about fellatio in fruit bats: You can read it online at:
Fellatio In Fruit Bats.
It was also covered extensively in the international press. Dr Evans had been engaged in an ongoing debate with the colleague in question about the relevance of evolutionary biology to human behaviour, and in particular about the dubiousness of many claims for human uniqueness. He showed the article to the colleague in the presence of a third person, and to many other colleagues on the same day, none of whom took offense. Nevertheless the colleague to whom Dr Evans showed the article complained to HR that the article was upsetting.
HR launched a formal investigation. Despite the fact that external investigators concluded that Dr Evans was not guilty of harassment, Professor Murphy has imposed a two year period of intensive monitoring and counselling on him, which may result in his application for tenure being denied."
With women now calling the shots debate and facts must be surpressed and silenced so as not to undermine feminist orthodoxy. I hope men in academia start to fight back against feminist totalitarianism.
A Mere Man Fights Back?
Well, it is refreshing to read about a man actually fighting back against the misandrist system. Did hell freeze over?