Study: Women in top jobs are viewed as 'better leaders' than men

Article here. Excerpt:

"Women in executive positions are perceived as better leaders than men, according to a new study.

The prevailing stereotype that women in business are too sensitive or not as competent can stop them from advancing through the so-called 'glass ceiling'.

However, once a woman has shattered that barrier, these qualities actually work in her favour, according to a Duke University researcher.

The research, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, found top women executives were credited with responsibility for their own success. They were viewed as both more competent and more relationship-oriented than men.

This led them to be perceived as more effective leaders than their male counterparts.
Lead researcher, Professor Ashleigh Rosestte, said: 'In business environments, even if women are thought to be sufficiently competent, they are frequently thought to be not very nice.

Lead researcher, Professor Ashleigh Rosestte, said: 'In business environments, even if women are thought to be sufficiently competent, they are frequently thought to be not very nice.

'But on the tiptop rungs of the corporate ladder, competence and niceness may have a certain level of compatibility for women top leaders.'"

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So really women at the top are just finally learning that they CAN'T lead worth a crap and that their constant nagging and micro-managing is totally counter-productive. They are learning that all they need to do is sit back and let the men beneath them do their jobs while they rack in a paycheck, and magically everything works out fine - because the men are getting things done without the interference of a woman who is paid more for her genitalia than for her contribution to the company.

Men's Rights with Jay Hammers

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Taking seriously the views of someone from Duke on men is like asking David Duke what he thinks of Michael Jordan!

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Women are not viewed that way by me. But more to the point both men and women in 'top jobs' are certainly no friends of mine. All people in 'top jobs' do is shaft the rest of us. I disdain both Pelosi and Obama with equal contempt. I don't think the argument should be as to whether we are dumped on my female bitches or male bastards but that we should not be dumped on at all.

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sitting at a poker table legally,
and having someone constantly scooping up pots
by pulling extra cards when needed, and everyone
at the table having to act like it wasn't happening.

welcome to the wonderful p.c. world of affirmative action.

next day you then have to listen to the bragging
around the water cooler about
how they wiped the floor with all these losers, while
showing off the $$ they 'won'.

next, laws will be skewed giving 'extra credit' in colleges,
hiring, courts, you name it.

oops. sorry. we are already there. and it still doesn't seem to work too well, does it?

thousands of government driven handouts. i call the whole mess 'Handouts for Halfwits' (HFH), sounds more governmental w/ the acronym like that.

"but i'm not a half-wit".

good, if true, then you won't need handouts, huh?


but we are...
men don't ...
we need more...
government should give...
the prez should make...
etc., etc., etc.

and the downward spiral continues.
no bottom in sight.

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Its not journalistic, its just argumentative. Author assumes there is a glass ceiling. Then she goes on to assert that the reason the students answered the way the did was because they know those women had to break through that glass ceiling...

The "researcher" makes the same assumption that women are held back. At best this was ideologically driven research but seeing how its encouraging stereotyping its surely a feminist looking for any advantage.

The study is complete junk. A newspaper already elicits the idea that something has gone wrong. Newspapers point out a man when he makes a financial disaster but not when he does something good or just keeps things steady. There are more men at the top of financial decisions so more men are in the paper. Add to that now feminists and the media blame a mans failure on his gender. Also the subjects were students which is not representative to working public or business owners.

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