How Your Son Could End Up on the Sex Offender List

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let's say your son turns 18. He gets a job at the local carnival, running the ride where the kids lie face down and spin around till they shriek with delight (or puke). Before each ride he has to buckle the kids in so they don't fly out. But then -- tragedy strikes.

Oh, don't worry. Nobody goes flying. They're buckled just fine. But one girl does tell her mother, "He touched my bottom!"
The next day the police take him in for questioning. They ask him the same thing, this time with the videotape running. He gives them the same answer.

It is considered his confession. He is convicted of "Indecent Assault and Battery on a Child." He goes to jail for nine months. He is put on the Sex Offender Registry -- for life.

Meantime, a few years later, your younger son is now 18. He's at the urinal in the school bathroom during a weekend service project. A girl too young to read bursts in and he yells, "Out out out! Get out!" She starts crying and leaves. Her mom is concerned. The police are called. Was he in the men's room with a girl?

Well, yes. Since everyone agrees the girl was not touched, he is convicted of "Visual Sexual Aggression Against a Child" -- the crime of having a child see his genitals. He does six months in jail. He's placed on the Sex Offender Registry for the next 10 years.'

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....are without a doubt the most balanced words I have ever seen written about the laws regarding sex crimes, sex offender registries, and recidivism rates of convicted sex offenders.

It's all covered, from start to finish. Between the article and the comments they cover the problems, the groups working on solutions, the truth about the ACTUAL recidivism rates of convicted sex offenders which no media outlet on EARTH will ever publish and no politician dare utter as the sex offender racket is bringing cash and jobs into the justice system exponentially faster then the war on drugs, and winning votes for politicians. The war on drugs has reached two milestones recently,it celebrated it's 40th anniversary and has surpassed a trillion dollars in spending. I bet AWA (national and international versions) and Meagan's Law's will pass a trillion in spending in half that time or less.

Thanks for posting that article here. I've been falsely accused and am one of the "lucky" ones who beat the charges, but my struggle to clear the accusations to this day as once accused, it never goes away.

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Leonore Skenazy is a feminist writing for the NY Daily News, whose specialty is "humorous" misandry. The very idea that she would write anything about the trials of males shows just how bad things have gotten. Even she is appalled!

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