US Navy Allows Women on Submarines -- still not required to register for the Selective Service

Article here. Notice how the concern is giving women privacy. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Navy formally announced on Thursday that it will for the first time recruit women into its submarine force.

It has been 20 years since the Navy first allowed women to serve on its surface warfare ships. But submarines remained off-limits for several reasons.

The main reason had to do with cramped quarters on the subs, where there is little privacy. Now the chief of the Navy's task force on women in submarines, Rear Admiral Barry Bruner, says larger, more modern subs have changed that.

"The reason it's available to women is that we can give them privacy," said Admiral Bruner. "So we're finally where we can do it. And I'm pleased that the submarine force is headed down this path."'

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Whenever women are injected into a male environment and there is specific concern for female privacy, the unspoken corollary is a license to invade male privacy with impunity. Every time. And the very fact that these female recruits will be officers will exaggerate that license. "Ma'am, couldn't you have waited until I finished my shower to tell me of the duty change?" Which will further exacerbate the damage to morale and lead to...the heartbreak of *sexual harassment*...Who-o-o-o.

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I did not realize that it would only be the officers that would be women. This says so much about how society sees the relationship between men and women - women in charge, men obeying. Now I am going to be perfectly honest here and say that I repudiate the idea obeying a woman. If I do it at all it is only because of coercion. If I where a submariner I would be looking to end my service. The idea of being told what to do by a woman is just too humiliating.

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