Man Robbed By Drink-Drugging Women Speaks Out

Story here. Excerpt:

'A North Miami Beach man who police believe may have been a victim of the drug 'em and rob 'em female thieves doesn't want what happened to him to happen to anyone else.

"No matter how wide open your eyes are, open them wider," said the unidentified 45-year-old man Thursday. "[I felt] definitely violated and vulnerable."

The man, who wants his identity hidden, said he was the victim of a couple of smooth female crooks who lure men in with a drink, drug them and rob them blind.

It was November 2009 when the victim met the woman and a friend at Set Night Club in South Beach. They danced, they dined and they drank.
In all, six designer watches were missing, along with about $26,000 in cash.

The victim thought it might be an isolated incident until reports surfaced this week of a string of similar robberies happening throughout South Florida.

Police in Palm Beach County said the main female scammer, who may have the help of at least three accomplices, targets rich older men in bars and restaurants. When she gets them alone for a drink, she slips them a "Mickey" and cleans them out of cash and pricey jewelry.'

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But if she ever gets caught, she'll be painted as more of a female Robin Hood (despite that she gave to her self and not the poor) and get little to no punishment.

Why you ask is she as vile and despicable as a rapist. Well, since men are of no value whatsoever as human beings and thus they place tremendous amounts of their own self worth in their jobs and possessions, she violated this man in the most hurtful way possible deeply impacting his view of self.

Trust me, men on average place a hell of allot more value on their their economic status then women on average place on their virtue and physical appearance. So one could easily make the case that this type of crime is more harmful to a males view of himself them a rape is to a females. Plus the violation of trust is equal in both types of crime and the loss of faith in the opposite gender.

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