Editorial: 'Men's studies' would lead to more gender trouble
Article here. Excerpt:
'Although creating a separate field of study called “men’s studies” would be redundant expanding women’s studies into gender studies would not be remiss. Recently, colleges across the nation have created concentrations known as either male or men’s studies in response to women’s studies. But this is the incorrect reaction. These majors tend to denounce or demean the topics broached in women’s studies classes, instead of working with them and finding relevant parallels.
Living in a society that is male-dominated means that many fields already inadvertently stem from “male studies” – textbooks are mostly written by men and thus have a male perspective. History classes almost always focus on men, and therefore has a male perspective. Creating men’s studies is only going to cause a greater divide between the genders and create more misunderstanding. Studies about men and masculinity should not be pitted against studies about women and femininity. Both can coexist and be discussed together.
Women’s studies continues to be a necessary field because women are not always adequately represented in other areas. But women’s studies can incorporate masculinities effectively. Many women’s studies programs already encompass gender studies in general. The interaction between men and women, and the reasoning behind male dominance, are features that appear in a multitude of women’s studies courses.'
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And continued WST would lead to less "gender trouble"?
If anything, a countervailing male studies dept. would decrease the "trouble" by giving college men someplace to go to have their needs and ideas addressed. Ignoring problems doesn't make them go away, only get worse.
what a guise of weakness
Wowwww, I watched Superman as a kid so I guess I will have no issues now. I'm being represented in the media and am therefore totally in full awareness and understanding of my role and the issues I face as a man. Napoleon did that for me too.
Also what's a woman I've heard of their existence but have never seen their influence. I've heard of this pesky little nuisance called a "mother" but that very few people have had them. Also what is this wife business... I've heard they have nothing to do masculinity and therefore have no effect on it. Well its a good thing men and society never needed women thus they are completely unaffected by their decisions, its simple game theory.