Times of India: "Times life - Her wild side"

From Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'Boys don’t cry, especially when they grow up into men who are hit by their women. As stories of battered men come out of the closet, it’s clear that more and more women are losing control and giving in to their wild side.

Tales of rudeness, shouting and violent outbursts are more in the news. Recently, two Iranian women in Bangalore beat up a traffic cop; almost a week later, a drunk woman in Bangalore hit an auto-rickshaw driver.

Take this: Men are getting punched, boxed, kicked with pointed stilettos, and even having hot coffee thrown on their faces. As women initiate assault in an intimate relationship, men become the silent victims. Says Swaroop Sarkar, co-founder of the Battered Men helpline in Delhi, “I was a victim and on the brink of committing suicide. There were days that I wouldn’t get out of bed. I almost lost my job.” But Sarkar didn’t give up. He started a helpline in Delhi, “We get 20 troubled men who come to us for help every week in Delhi itself. They just need our gentleness,” adds Sarkar, who is a textile engineer.

The stories are stark but real. There’s Ravi in Bangalore, all of 31, who studied at IIT, Delhi, and he narrates how he was traumatised by his wife after she discovered he had one kidney. “She threw me out of my own house. Men in our country don’t cry and certainly never get beaten,” says the engineer, who works for an MNC in Bangalore.
The stories told by battered men are no less horrifying than those told by women. According to psychiatrist Dr Avdesh Sharma, “The tipping point comes when the women can’t be in control. Alcohol is making women aggressive. Some women remain tomboys.”

It’s time men come out of the closet and get help. Simply say goodbye to shame and guilt!'

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I live by a homeless camp in Eugene, OR. The other day I was told that a certain young woman, whom "I" could describe as a space case beat her boyfriend bloody. When others came over to see what was happening the woman told them that it was nothing, she was just being a bitch. Now, I have suffered under emotional abuse, yes. But I have never allowed anyone either male or female to abuse me physically, why? Because I reserve the right to defend myself if I feel it is necessary, no matter what the gender of the attacker is. I make sure that any woman that wants to spend time with me understands that while I am not a violent person, I reserve the right to defend myself if I am being attacked. So far, it has worked. A man has got to stand as a man. That doesn't mean that we can't be tolerant, or forgiving. But a man is still the top of the food chain in this world, if only we would act like it.

David A. DeLong

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Well David, evidently you've never had to employ your self defense theory, or you'd be writing to us from a prison cell, with many years to do.

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I have hurt a woman in self-defense before. It was an unknown female who was upset over what I was saying, so she slapped me (hard, across the face, leaving a very noticeable mark). I warned her if she did it again I would break her arm. She attempted to slap me again because "how dare you tell me what to do", and I caught and broke her arm and then stepped back. By this point there were bouncers all over and I was being escorted outside while the cops were on the way in.

When speaking to the cops, I was calm and stated "She slapped me, I warned her, and then when she slapped me again I broke her arm so she couldn't attack me further." I think it was because that was all I did, removing her method of attack rather than striking her in any other way, that I got nothing more than a talking-to from the police about how I "shouldn't hit a woman" to which I replied "Than she shouldn't hit me" which seemed to make them uneasy because it was true.

The unfortunate side affect was that I was no longer welcome in that bar, by management. I strongly considered protesting/active boycott of the establishment, but I realized that anyone who wasn't there to witness what happened would not interpret the story correctly.

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