Lawsuit against Columbia U's women’s studies department dismissed

Article here. Excerpt:

'Though Roy Den Hollander, MBA ’97, thinks Columbia’s support of gender studies discriminates against men’s rights, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that the University has not harmed men with its actions.

Hollander, a controversial men’s rights activist who first filed a lawsuit against Columbia in August 2008, has claimed that Columbia’s support of a women’s studies department was a First Amendment violation, on the grounds that, legally and constitutionally, feminism counts as a religion.

He has also charged that the discriminatory nature of a women’s studies program is in violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. His argument is that Columbia cannot use public funds for the Institute for Research on Women and Gender unless it supports an equivalent men’s studies program.

And last week, Hollander’s case, for now, reached the end of the line with the U.S. Court of Appeals’ decision to uphold the lower courts’ dismissals. The court argued that the prior decisions “properly dismissed the action for lack of standing as to all defendants because the plaintiff’s claims of harm amount to the kind of speculative harm for which courts cannot confer standing.”

But Hollander said on Tuesday that the fight was far from over. “I can bring this case again, and I’m going to bring this case again,” he said, arguing that the court ruling emphasizes that he has no standing, which he said leaves options open to pursue a different track of the case. Hollander said he plans to focus his complaint on government support for the “religion” of feminism, an argument that he said he can make because he is a taxpayer.'

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It baffles me why Roy Den Hollander doesn't sue under the obvious and blatant violation of Title IX? Title IX doesn't explicitly target sports but any educational opportunity. Women studies and especially Women Centers are rampant all over the country without there being any male counterpart. This is the clearest violation of Title IX there is and has nationwide implications.

Instead, he pursues this quixotic dream of having feminism declared a religion. Just another example of MRA passion and resource going to waste.

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Your right about that but I'm hoping that males studies can get more established, and that it turns out to be something good. I do not want title IX being used to expand some feminist friendly "counterpart" to women's study and leaving out any true counterpart to feminism and genuine study of men. But I don't know that much about what options are out there.

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