"Despite New Law, Gender Salary Gap Persists"

Article here. Excerpt:

'New legislation in Congress aims to close the pay equity gap, even as administration officials prepare to step up enforcement of the existing law.

Economists say part of the gap is because women are more likely to take time off work for child care, and an even bigger part is because of "occupational segregation": Women tend to work disproportionately in lower-paying fields. To be sure, many women's groups see this as a vestige of discrimination. (Another bill, the Fair Pay Act, seeks to address this, though that legislation is considered less likely to gain congressional passage.)
Critics worry the Paycheck Fairness Act would encourage a surge of unfounded class-action lawsuits. Labor and employment lawyer Jane McFetridge said small businesses would also find the new requirements cumbersome. For example, an employer who pays a man more than a woman for the same job might have to show that it's a "business necessity."

"Do we want the government deciding what is business necessity?" McFetridge asked lawmakers at the hearing. "Isn't that for the business owner to decide?"'

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On CBS Nightly News they reported that more women will be earning advanced degrees than men by the end of the year, and that women with full time jobs earned 80% of what men made last year. Is this true?

"Women to surpass men in advanced degrees, lag on pay."

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Only in a manner of speaking. When it comes to the Wage Gap Myth, some things are good reading:


As for the advanced degrees matter, yes. They are already beating out men in receiving advanced degrees in non-science/engineering areas and if efforts go as they are pursued, a day will come sooner rather than later when men will be the minority of these degree conferees as well.

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Matt can you give me the links to the stories. I'm having trouble with my phone.

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I appreciate the links. TY.

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Just hot-linked the URLs

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... the URLs are now hot-linked.

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