NOW Foundation Opposes 'Phony' Parental Alienation Disorder

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the years, hundreds of women have contacted National Organization for Women chapters looking for assistance in their efforts to protect minor children in family court custody proceedings. Often these women have been accused of a phony psychiatric condition, termed Parental Alienation Disorder (PAD). The "disorder" has been proposed by so-called father's rights (men's custody) activists to be added to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostics and Statistics Manual - V to give it more legitimacy than it currently has -- or should have -- in court.

This accusation is made by abusive ex-husbands and is intended to cause the courts to disregard mothers' claims of fathers' physical or sexual abuse in an effort to gain the fathers' full or joint custody. NOW Foundation is concerned that because of the alienation accusation known batterers and child abusers have been awarded custody; the numbers of cases involving dads in custody disputes abusing and murdering children is appalling...
NOW Foundation has sent a letter recently to the American Psychiatric Association noting that publications by the American Bar Association and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges have concluded proposed "alienation disorder" is inadmissible in court and has been discredited by the scientific community. ...

More information on fathers and ex-partners involved in child custody or child support matters who have killed children, murdered mothers and/or committed suicide, please visit this website.'

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... that whole schizophrenia thing, too. But try telling someone who has it or knows someone with it that it isn't a "real phenomenon". But there are still people who say manic depression isn't a valid diagnosis, either. Some of them probably work at the NOW Foundation.

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We need a term to recognize the pattern of people who use their kids to get revenge on their ex and more importantly for children who are alienated from a parent and consistently told vile and biased things about the childs parent. Nobody can deny that it is in the nature of some people to take things out on the kids and use them. Nobody in their right mind could say that the kids aren't negatively impacted by alienation of a loved parent, or the harm that comes to a child when they are told fowl and bitter things by one parent towards the other.

Of course some will use the term inappropriately, that has nothing to do with whether it exists. But I see... lets throw out the very existence of rape because of false claims.

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sounds like a lot of now members have poisoned their kids against their dads. Wonder how many

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