Boy "Body-Socked" in School

Story here, video here. Excerpt:

'Body sox are designed to help kids explore their three-dimensional space, according to web sites about the device.

"I don't like it at all," said Patrick Holt, the boy's father. "I don't think it should be used on anybody."

Calming device or restraining order?
Watch and learn more about the body sock.

Holt felt that way after learning a Pre-K teacher at Pinellas Central Elementary put his 4-year-old son in a body sock Friday.

"My wife saw my son try to open up the body sock and the teacher's aide went ahead and had him put it back up," Holt said.

The Holts wondered what was going on, especially since they said their son was the only student in a body sock.'

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It appears to be another male shaming methodology, invented by gender feminist ideologues and their toadies to shame young males.

Perhaps we should order a few thousand for women studies programs and put the teachers in them every time they bash and demonize males. We could ask them to meditate (while in the body sock) on the evil they promote every time they vilify males. They could explore all the male-hating in their space and work on exorcising those misandrist prejudices.

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Seems to me no matter how you call it, it is nothing more than a restraining device. The fact that the teacher admitted that the child was warned prior to using the device, well I guess we can lie to ourselves. It wouldn't make a difference on the gender of the child being punished, it is similar to the deprivation technics used by information gatherers, or torturers.
But it does make you wonder what kind of people are being hired to teach our children. What a bunch of crap the company says about the device. Perhaps that is why in the old days Boys were told to always carry a pocket knife, enough for a phone call, and an emergancy number to call, one could always cut themselves out of the body bag!

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We're pretty much all adults here right? Well, would we as adults put another adult into a bag when they did something we do not like or we felt the needed to calm down?


Then why in the hell are we doing it to kids!?

See what happens when there are no male role models in schools anymore? Instead of proper discipline and guidance we get a bunch of women stuffing kids into bags! Great.

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One can only wonder if the child's forced entry into the bag is a product of "the vagina mentality," and the intent of the bag a metaphor for a return to the womb, where a woman had total power and control over the child's life or death.

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