Sperm and the Single Girl

Article here. Excerpt:

"Successful 30-something women are turning to the Web to shop for top-notch sperm donors — vetting personality traits, listening to voice samples, and even enduring wait lists

[Redacted by request], a clinical researcher in Boston, Massachusetts, was contemplating grad school when she saw an episode of Lipstick Jungle that changed her life. "A woman was freezing her eggs, and it hit me: I'm 37, and I want to have children." Within three months, [Redacted by request] had purchased eight vials of sperm from a bank, an experience she likens to "match.com, because you're looking for qualities in someone you'd want to date. I used Google for everything."
A similar urge, deep and primal, is driving single women in their 30s, women with solid careers and financials, to forget about finding The One and move ahead with having a baby. Jane Mattes, founder of the New York City-based organization Single Mothers by Choice (SMC), which has over 2,000 members, says that 75 percent go to sperm banks, versus the 25 percent who adopt. The profile of the average woman choosing DI may sound just like your circle of friends and coworkers: "She's 30 to 45," Mattes says. "Ninety-nine percent have a college degree and are upper middle class."

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This is from the "I can have it all" camp.

I feel bad for these kids.

It is as if males and females want to emotionally disconnect with each other as much as possible instead of learning how to get along. I wonder how this will effect male and female relations for the next generation if they have no example in the home.

Also, I bet most of these mothers are older. They are far more at risk for producing children with birth defects which effect male babies more than female babies.

Many men and women believe they can have sex for fun and recreation with no emotional attachment, just pop pills, shots, and abort while they are young; and then when their bio clock is about to run out, females can go off to the sperm bank and get the child they now want, and men can donate to such sperm banks to give their 'gifts' in exchange for money. What a wacky system! And not the way nature intended.

When it comes to reproduction, the best 'gift' you can give is taking care of your offspring and be responsible with your 'baby making' material.

These children will likely have many "step father" type figures in and out of their lives. The men who donate sperm are not doing these kids any favors. They are only giving in to the selfish needs of a woman that likely had her chance to have children in the past and was too selfish to do so. This is very anti-family and families are the base of society. This will effect both men and women.

LISTEN UP PEOPLE: you cannot have it all! Make a choice and then live with it! Don't try and mess with nature just so you can get everything you want and then expect society to pay the price.

I hate everything about artificial insemination and fertility clinics.

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I also can't help and wonder who is going to care for these babies. Since the mothers can't give up their careers, I guess it is off to the daycares. The perfect place for a newborn to spend 9+ hours a day.

Well at least the mother will get bragging rights about how they work full time plus raise a child (it still counts even if you pay someone else to raise your child, right?)

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At least they aren't tricking some poor guy into fatherhood by skipping the pill and having a few bonks. My only problem here is that single mothers are so inadequate - i guarantee you, statistically speaking, Ricky Martin's kids will do better than Jodie Foster's kids.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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I take issue with the following paragraph at the end of the referenced article:

"No little girl fantasizes about being a DI mom," says Leah Klungness, Ph.D., a psychologist in Locust Valley, New York, and coauthor of the book The Complete Single Mother. But she also believes finding a romantic partner can be easier for these women: "You already have a home, a child, and a family. You're not needy."

These women - who have shown their total disregard for their babies, and how their babies need two parents, these women who have shown themselves to be selfish and self-absorbed - they think that they are going to be more attractive to men because they are 'not needy'? What planet are these writers from? Many men will run the other way when these women come around. Not only are they demonstrably unwilling to compromise, they are narcissists, who don't value the contribution made by men. What self-respecting male in his right mind would want to be with a woman like that?

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