Girls and boys in movies: Punching boys is OK, not so girls

Saw How to Train Your Dragon recently and can say it was a great movie in many ways. A cute, heart-tugging tale, with some father-son stuff in there, too. My favorite character was the main dragon character, "Toothless".

But like any MRA, I can't just turn it off. One recurring image was that of the heroine-girl (Astride) often punching the hero-boy (Hiccup) in the arm and chest to show her disapproval of what he does or says. This is on top of the repeated depictions of the other boy characters as being incompetent and acceptance-dependent on Astride, who also knocks them around some. And some of us wonder how is it girls come to the conclusion that it's OK for them to hit boys but not the other way around. Answer: We are teaching them this.

The studio is Dreamworks Animation. A contact form at their investor relations web site is here. What you say to them is your business but my intention is just this: "Great movie, loved it! Just one thing: You don't need to encourage domestic violence from a young age in your movies by showing a girl (or boy for that matter) character hitting others of their peers with whom they have romantic potential. The story would have been fine without it." You also may want to send them these links, too:

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Its misandry!

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What I said.

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so true

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I don't believe in punching women either. Smacking their bottoms is much better.

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Of course it's not okay to smack women on their bottoms. It's called assault and posting dumb comments, saying it is discredits a lot of people working to improve men's and boy's lives.

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MR, given your lack of humor you are more likely to be a feminist than trotter is.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Stop the personal slights now, thank you.

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