Were 3rd-grade boys asked to dress as girls for Women's History Month?

Story here. Excerpt:

'WHEN JANINE Giandomenico's son explained his school project to her, she dismissed his worries and figured she'd have to fork out a few bucks for poster board, magazines and a glue stick or two.

Then she read the letter that accompanied the project, over and over again, and believes that her son's third-grade teacher at the Maude Wilkins Elementary School in Maple Shade, Burlington County, was asking the class, including the boys, to dress as women during a fashion show for a Women's History Month project.

"I don't see how a women's fashion show, and asking my son, whether it's dressing up in jeans and trousers or a dress, teaches anything about women's history," the 41-year-old township resident said yesterday morning. "Teach them about real people and about real things. Don't turn into the Paris Hilton and the Kardashian channel."
The initial letter describing the project, written by teacher Tonya Uibel, has been interpreted different ways by Giandomenico, the school district, and parents sitting in their cars outside the school yesterday afternoon. In the letter, Uibel said that the class had been learning about women in history in March and that "all students" must participate in the fashion-show project, which was a graded assignment.'

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Schools do so much bullshit!

How many hours are kids in school?....25 or 30 hours a week or something like that. Lets see, now schools have to teach morals and ethics, sex ed, anti-bullying, manners, life style acceptance, nutrition, anger management, and now apparently women's historical fashion has made the list. On top of assemblies, fund-raiser pep rallies, etc. It is no wonder school kids can't read or do math.

And a fashion show? I am sure the teacher meant well, but it is another example of favoring the interest of girls.

PS- The teacher didn't expect the boys to dress as women. The letter was just poorly worded.

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Women's history month... what business does a school have in something like that. The school should not make a concerted effort to favor a gender. There is no such thing for guys, no month dedicated to understanding them. I hope people know that history does not depict the average Guy, those at the bottom, nor does it create any simpathy for the millions of men dying in battle. Fitting for schools that are already sexist.

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On top of all the things you mentioned, who wants their child being taught English by a woman who has little mastery of it herself? If she lacks the skills to write a clear and understandable letter to inform parents of class activities, how can she teach the language to students? Does she give her students extra points on essays for being as vague as humanly possible?

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This increases my hatred of public schools even more!

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Just to the north of this in Springfield, NJ at James Caldwell Elementary, is another example of how out of step public education is with boys. They had an incident where two boys "misbehaved" in the bathroom in the main hallway, so the school removed the door to the bathroom. In plain view for all passerby's to see is a urinal and stalls. So all boys who need to use the restroom are exposed for anyone to see. All boys have been deprived of their autonomy and privacy. How schools think forcing a curriculum which fails boys, and then choosing to denigrate and humiliate them in the process will ever be successful and accessible to them is beyond me.

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Is there anyone who doesn't believe there is a War On Boys going on in K-12?

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Don't hate, it only harms the person hating. Therefore, I leave all the hating to the gender feminists who are masters at hating - - - hating males. You wouldn't want to have anything in common with a gender feminist now would you?

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