Girl Sues Los Angeles over Denial of Reunion with Father

Story here. No surprise it has come to this: children must sue now to get to be with their fathers. Notice too this man was paying child support for years while his daughter was in a foster home. Did the money he was sending in actually get to his daughter in any way, shape, or form, or was it just another entry in the LA County's General Accounts Receivable system? Excerpt:

'But the lawsuit alleges that the Department of Children and Family Services failed to use "due diligence" to locate Thomas Smith. It claims the agency never notified Smith, who had continued making child support payments, that his daughter was in foster care and never gave him a chance to claim her.

"He's a registered voter with a valid driver's license 'and an open child support case," said Smith's attorney, L. Wallace Pate. "All they had to do, at any time during those 10 years, was pick up the phone and ask the L.A. County Child Support Services Department: `Do you have a contact on this man?"''

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...he would, of course, be ridiculed for wanting to be with his dad, of course.

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Here's a good question... is Mr. Smith going to get his child support back for the period his daughter was in foster care?

If not, why was the child's mother not also required to pay child support for the child in foster care?

For the two years the mother moved away with no forwarding address, why wasn't she held in contempt of court, like men are, for failing to abide by the terms of the divorce (I'm assuming Mr. Smith had visitation)?

This is just... Blah...

It pisses me off personally, as my children have been in state for the last three weeks. I found this out yesterday. My ex-wife moved out of state (without court permission, in volation of the divorce decree) and I have had irregular visitation since then. No, the courts don't care. I'm reciently re-employed, and attempting to pay my back child support under threat of arrest.

Personally, I'm THAT close to just going to court and telling the judge if she can violate the order without repercussion, I will as well. If he wants to arrest me, and me only, for contempt, I'll file suit for violation of 14th Ammendment rights. Ya, I'm that close; I'd be doing it already if I figured there was a chance in hell equality would be upheld.


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I understand. It's outrageous. Don't give the crooks the satisfaction of doing any further damage to you. Every day more and more of us raise our voices. Every day we get stronger, even though they keep trying to wear us down and destroy us and our families. We need you. Someday they will begin to hear.

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and I say do it , if you can find a male-friendly lawyer.

not Anglellic

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