New book claims Oprah Winfrey concocted stories about sexual abuse she suffered as a child
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'Winfrey's relationship with longtime "love" Stedman Graham, her reputed dirt-poor upbringing in rural Mississippi, her rumored lesbian crushes on women such as Diane Sawyer -- all are stories she has manipulated for decades in the name of sensational ratings, according to writer Kitty Kelley's latest unauthorized biography "Oprah."
The much-anticipated book details how:
* Winfrey concocted stories about sexual abuse she suffered as a child -- and grossly exaggerated the poverty she was brought up in.
The future star would steal from her mother's purse, pawn her jewelry and even turn tricks. She was eventually sent to live in Nashville with Vernon Winfrey, who was her mother's former lover and who is listed on her birth certificate as her father. He has been described as the domineering disciplinarian who set her straight.
Later, determined to become rich and famous, Winfrey was ready to change her story to her advantage, making sure she cultivated her image as an everywoman, the book alleges.'
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I doubt she concocted stories...
... about sexual abuse at her girls' school in S. Africa, though.
Kitty Kelly
I'm not sure who has the worst reputation in journalism; Kitty Kelly or Geraldo Rivera. Both of them are considered a joke.
Kitty Kelly is trying to make a buck off of her book. I doubt she has even talked to Oprah or anyone close to Oprah about this subject matter.
If you want to be taken seriously, then never post anything by Kitty Kelly. She is equivalent to the "National Inquirer"
-Just my opinion.
What have we learned?
Women are liars!
manonthestreet Yes but which
Yes but which women cryter27? Here we have two women contradicting each other.
Which woman is a liar???
Both of course...! :-)
Oprah finally has some explaining to do about her dysfunctional life including questionable choices and lying. If these allegations are true --- she's nothing more then a fraud.
She allegedly made up stories about sexual abuse when in reality she was just a slut.
She lies all the time
Oprah lies left, right, and center center about everything else, so I have little trouble taking seriously the idea that she lied about the sexual abuse.
Rise, Rebel, Resist.
Officer Oprah Winbag?
Oprah Winbag has always reminded me of a police officer in that if her lips are moving she is lying.
There's no room for bigoted comments in the mens rights movement
"Women are liars!
Did you come to this site to intentionally try to make us look bad?
Some women are liars.
Some men are liars.
Some women are truthful
Some men are truthful.
Stereotyping a whole gender negatively is the kind of despicable and bigoted behavior gender feminists engages in. You wouldn't want to have anything in common with gender feminists now would you?