Would a young woman have been beaten like this?

By now some of you have heard of this incident in Maryland near the University of Maryland. As the video shows, the kid was doing nothing wrong but skipping down a sidewalk. When an officer on horseback approached him, he got scared and backed away. Then a number of other police descended on him and beat him into unconsciousness. The police then lied about the incident in official reports, all the while thinking that they were not being filmed.

So my question to you is this: Had he been a she, would this have happened, even if all those police had been female? I don't think so. I think this is a further example of how men, and young men in particular, are viewed as fair fodder for things like beatings and abuse by the authorities. After all, if they can be drafted into the armed forces to get blown to bits, then why shouldn't the state or its agents feel they can get away with beating them senseless whenever they feel like it?

Men's rights are human rights. After all, we're human... right?

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I've seen footage of a women in police custody for drunk driving,that was damm near beaten to death by a sicko pig,the cops are equal oppurtunity bullies!

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I have seen so many incidents like this on Youtube. The idea that they are isolated events is now not so convincing as the idea that they are commonplace with only a few being captured on film. I think the same goes for shooting up people from helicopters for fun.

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Of course the cop scum wouldn't beat a female. The cops are women's de facto bodyguards, they only beat up men.

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I've seen footage on youtube,where they beat up grannie!

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Cop violence against women is rare. You only have to look at the targets cops shoot at to realize it's men they prejudicially have in their gender profiling sights every opportunity they get. Sure you can find a few PC women targets around these days, but it has been men who've been on the targets historically and it is still men on most of the targets used, and it is men by far who are victims of police violence today.

John Dillinger FBI Target

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