Washington Woman Accused of Luring Disabled Man Into Relationship, Spending His Money

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Washington woman is accused of luring a disabled man into a relationship with promises of marriage and children only to squander thousands of dollars of his money, leaving him suicidal and in debt, investigators say.

Alesha Lair, 23, is charged with theft and domestic violence stemming from what King County prosecutors are calling a "deceptive" two-year relationship with 55-year-old Douglas Lare.

Lare was diagnosed at birth with mild mental retardation and cerebral palsy and has a mental age that ranges between 6 and 12 years old, according to the probable cause report from the Seattle Police Department.

Prior to his relationship with Lair, he had no outstanding debt and held a full-time job. But in the past year, he has been hospitalized multiple times for suicidal threats because of the debt his relationship resulted caused, according to the report.
"One only has to be with Lare for a few minutes to realize his vulnerability, Litalien wrote in the report. "I believe Lair was fully aware of Lare's cognitive and physical disabilities, and knowingly and willingly exploited him."

According to statements by Lare given to authorities, his new girlfriend "promised him they would be married" but that before they could do so, she insisted she had to "establish credit in her name."'

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If this man is actually mentally retarded; then, he is unable to enter into a contract and a civil court will declare that his is not liable for his debts. If he isn't retarded then it's his own fault that he's in this situation in the first place.By the way this is no different then a 12 year old boy being STATUTORILY RAPED, and then being forced to pay crushing child support payments to his rapist, and no one seems to have a problem with that. No different that is, except for the fact that the retard CHOSE to go into debt for this woman, and the government is going after the actual CONARTIST. While a 12 year old victim of STATUTORY RAPE will be FORCED to pay child support TO HIS RAPIST, and if he is unable to do that MEN WITH GUNS will take him to jail.

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if these roles had been reversed.

potential charges: rape, robbery, kidnapping,

who knows?

i guess we should consider it a victory that she was
even charged.

she could probably claim he beat or raped her now,
and walk.

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From what I read it doesn't indicate that they have a child together. There was only a promise to marry and start a family. That was part of her con.

People with diminished mental capacity generally have the same sex drive and want a relationship just as a normal functioning adult would. Because their desires are greater than their mental age, it makes them extremely vulnerable.

It is a sad story, I hope she is punished severely and I hope he receives some sort of restitution.

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The only difference is that the man was retarded.

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