Is Feminism Getting In The Way of "Male Studies?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The creation of the Foundation for Male Studies was announced on Wednesday at Wagner College in New York, along with a proposal for male studies as a new discipline. While gender studies, women’s studies and men’s studies already exist, the scholars behind the new discipline insist that colleges need to start fresh in order to examine the current state of boys and men.

The interdisciplinary study would examine the experience of modern males, particularly those under 35, in a moment in history when they are the minority of college graduates, the majority of suicide victims, have shorter life spans and increasingly suffer psychological problems.

To be sure, these are valid and interesting pursuits, deserving of our attention--now more than ever. However, it’s the distinction from current men’s studies programs that’s raising eyebrows.

“This came out of the contentious business of gender studies,” says Lionel Tiger, professor of anthropology at Rutgers University. “It’s not men’s studies as contrasted with women’s studies. It’s a study of males without all the ideology and self-righteousness of feminists about turning over patriarchy.”

The supporters of the new discipline believe that existing programs are biased toward feminist ideology and critique masculinity rather than study it. “Much of it has to do with the almighty females,” Tiger says. “A lot of feminist argument is just irritating.” Uh, okay.'

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Article ends with:

'I hope that many of the issues facing boys and men today are vigorously studied, talked about and debated. I do not, however, agree that it’s necessary to demean existing gender studies programs or feminism to do it.'

Actually, if you're gonna calls it as ya sees it, there is no way but to critique feminism for what it is. There are naturally acrimonious relationships that exist all over nature: mongooses and pythons, for example. Nothing will make these two get along with one another. Likewise with WST and male studies. At first of course male studies sets out to study men and boys and our condition as such, not in context of a larger orthodoxy of "acceptable ideas", such as now with men's studies. Eventually and I predict quite quickly, the root causes of male's decline will have to be identified for what they are. Dr. Tiger himself has already done so in 'The Decline of Males' and he's a charter member of the founding of this new discipline.

There really is no escaping it, but we shouldn't want to. Feminism as it exists today especially needs to be confronted for what it is and men's studies as such was not up to the task since it spent much of its time apologizing for itself or bashing the subjects of its own studies.

The challenge for male studies will now be to make sure it does not get co-opted at its nascence by bullying feminists and others who find the truth too threatening to their interests. That simply takes courage and a willingness to simply tell feminists to FRACK OFF. That's all. Funding held over your head? Too bad. Meet out in the lawn for no credit. Today's college males know full well what to happening. Sooner or later, the administrations of colleges will have to pay attention. No matter what, male studies leaders, especially so at this early stage, must be uncompromising in their purpose. After all, that's how WST got created, isn't it?

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You must call it what it is. Feminism is really hate speech. It is sexist, bigoted, crap. And the sooner young males learn this and stand up to it, the better off society will be.

oregon dad

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Nothing will stop male studies, it's about time to analyze gender without the evil feminism. Of course those feminists will take as an insult to do so, but there is no stoping men's rights activists.

We are going to change the world just like feminist did.

The only thing that makes me sad is that there will be no truce between men and women, instead we will grow appart.

Lonely men and lonely women distrusting each other.

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For the most part, that's already in place. There are exceptions now, and rare (getting rarer every day), and I feel sorry for those without the positive benefits of a good relationship wherein the people in it are right for one another.

The institutionalization of expectations and relationships though is already gone. As a class, the sexes have their interests they need to stand up for, just as with political parties. Heretofore it's only been feminists doing that explicitly in the name of women in general. Until recently, there has been no reply against this onslaught against men's interests. Finally one is coming into form and it (understandably) has feminists scared quite $hitless. Well, too bad. Such is the nature of politics: don't form a political interest group unless you're prepared to have a countervailing group formed. That's just how it goes.

Viva Male Studies!

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We are seeing the beginning of a change of how men are treated by society,all we need to do now is keep our eyes on the prize! And we will see an end to childsupport alimony & unfair sexual harassment laws not to mention vawa,we will see more men recieve custody of they're children. Men we will see the promised land oh yea oh yea,we will the end of Tyranical feminism & an end & to the antimale culture with it!

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