Circumcision: A Man's Decision?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I don't have a son so I've never had to make the circumcision decision. I know which way I'd go, but that's neither here nor there.

And in Madatom blogger Jacob Harper's opinion, it's irrelevant what any mom thinks because moms should not be the ones making the decision of whether or not to circumcise their kid.
Harper is one guy who isn't the least bit shy about sharing his opinion. In his blog post "Living the Dream: Uncircumcised in America," he writes about being in the "freaky hooded minority," but says that he's proud not resentful.
I do think Harper's post is hilarious and I enjoyed reading about circumcision from his perspective, but what he fails to appreciate is that making decisions that affect their kids' lives is what moms do every day -- on things that go well beyond haircuts. Sometimes it's just not practical to wait 18 years and let your kid make a life-changing decision on his own.'

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... to Ms. Murray, anyway. Let's hope she remains son-less, as she says she is now. And if one day she has one, I hope she will have evolved her opinion some so as to allow her son to make up his own mind later about whether or not he wants a piece of his penis cut off.

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This part of the article made me want to puke:

So, in an "ideal" world ...

Mom: "Honey, it's me, mama. Sweetie, do you want to be circumcised?"

Baby boy: "Gurgle. Gurgle. Ga. Goo." [poops in diaper, makes sucking sound, burps]

Mom: "Okay, punkin, that's exactly what we'll do. Now, about those vaccines ..."

I do think Harper's post is hilarious and I enjoyed reading about circumcision from his perspective, but what he fails to appreciate is that making decisions that affect their kids' lives is what moms do every day -- on things that go well beyond haircuts. Sometimes it's just not practical to wait 18 years and let your kid make a life-changing decision on his own.

Following the authors line of thought:

We should repeal the legal ban on female circumcision; referred to in politically correct circles as female Genital mutilation. After all: 'sometimes it's just not practical to wait 18 years and let your daughter make a life-changing decision on her own.'

If fathers want to snip off their baby girls clit for aesthetic reasons, or because they believe that their religion requires it then that's what they should be able to do.

The only alternative is to delay medically unnecessary surgery, done only for cosmetic purposes. And instead actually allow consenting adults to decide whether they want to carve up their genitals for cosmetic reasons instead of making that decision for them.

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I had to stop reading the comments because the attitude of most of the "mothers" was driving my emotions toward misogyny.

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