Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Campaign Couldn’t Walk Three Feet in His

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Campaign Couldn’t Walk Three Feet in His


'Each April we expose another generation to the “light hearted” spectacle of grown men in high heels, leading a parade to help break the silence about how “1 in 6 women” are violently sexually assaulted by men. Men should “walk in women’s shoes” is the theme of April as “Sexual Assault Awareness Month” an event calling attention to how women are hobbled by both fashion and by the evil patriarchy.
There is not even a hint that women ever commit serious acts of violence including the sexual abuse of children. It’s just a Politically Correct event hammering home the point that girls and women suffer because men are evil. It’s not a parade, it’s a charade. And it crosses the line into hate as surely as if the marchers were wearing sheets and pointed white hoods. Never in all the years of asking men to walk in women’s shoes have we asked women to walk in men’s shoes. That too would be politically incorrect.'

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Domestic violence towards women is about as silent as the topic of breast cancer. They are also some of the most obvious displays of our sexist society, and feminist BS. I'm always dumbfounded that by comparison hardly anything is done for prostate cancer, guys don't or aren't told to check themselves, and we want to see guys support breast cancer and other "women's" causes.

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Oh, look! Some self-loathing males seem to have taken masochistic misandry to a level of an art form.

There is no sense in talking to these types of males about their error because there is no cure for stupid!

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I agree 100% in regards to the breast cancer campaigns. How many more cars do we need to see with the pink ribbon on their bumpers? When I go to the grocery store there are products that have that damned pink ribbon all over them and there are no competing products. I either buy the product and support the prevention of breast cancer campaign or I go without. What is wrong with manufacturers? I have yet to see ONE prevention of prostate cancer ribbon on ANY product. Or how about this - a campaign is created for the prevention and/or elimination of ALL cancers. Why do these campaigns need to be so sexist? I don't want a woman to get breast cancer, but I also don't want a man to get prostate cancer. I don't want a man OR woman to get lung cancer, colo-rectal cancer, brain cancer, pancreatic cancer or a plethora of other cancers either.

I've always wondered what would happen IF researchers actually found a cure for breast cancer. Would that cure be able to assist people with other types of cancers? Where would the sexist cancer campaign put their money then? Perhaps a cure for ovarian or uterine cancer?

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I actually saw an author on TV say she wanted to raise money for breast and ovarian cancer. Basically she thought how can I help women and at the same time make sure I don't help men.

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