UK: "A divorce deal that shames women"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Philippa Vaughan persuaded the judge to award her the extra lump sum of £215,000

The High Court's award of a £215,000 divorce payout to the former wife of a leading barrister - 25 years after the couple split - is a terrible blow to those who rightly believe that women are equal to men.

Philippa Vaughan, 66, has no children, lives in a four-bedroom £1million house in fashionable Hammersmith, West London, and inherited £770,000 from her parents.

But she still convinced the judge to award her the extra lump sum. He said it was 'plainly wrong' to think she could adjust to life after her exhusband's maintenance payments were cancelled last year.

In this case, the absurdity of Mrs Vaughan's divorce claim is exposed by the fact that as a working woman (with a job as an expert in Islamic and Indian art), she was able to earn her own living.

By any yardstick this was an unjust claim. Particularly since her exhusband had accrued most of his wealth after they split and during his second marriage.

It seems Mrs Vaughan's main concern was to get one over her ex - rather than any interest in justice. So once again our crazy divorce laws, which too often encourage women to sponge off men, have delivered another hammer blow against the institution of marriage.'

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... as the author has pointed out, it's THE SYSTEM that allows women like her to "sponge off" (as she aptly puts it) the men they used to be married to. I would have much rather seen the headline for the article read "Another Breathtaking Injustice as an Ex-wife Swoops in from Hyperspace and Whacks her Ex for Yet More Alimony without Any Defensible Cause", but that would be too much to hope for.

Until the Nymphotropist Hydra is identified for what it is in our social collective consciousness and then brought under our rational scrutiny (for I doubt as a species we will ever really be rid of it) and thus be able to regulate its effects on us and our institutions, we'll just keep seeing more instances of this kind injustice.

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the real shame falls to the judiciary, lawmakers,
and those who continually take the side
of the silent masses of women who take each freebie
as though it were righteous and earned,
and make excuses for the actions
with shows of false remorse.

equal to men?
it takes honor to even begin to show par w/ real men.
this drivel is what we have come to expect.

do not think your lapdogs are real men.
do not judge that being equal to their weakness
will ever bring you to that treasure you seek.
nothing is gained through this type fraud.
only shame revealed to those who can see.

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You've got to ask how outrageous do these abuses have to get? How many of these public and obviously unfair cases do there have to be before there is some public objection? When will men finally get it is very DANGEROUS to get married? I

t's not just that you might have to pay alimony for the next 20 years, to a woman who can perfectly well earn her own money. No, even when that is done, then she can come back again, and get the court to award her still more money. And don't kid yourself, this doesn't have anything to do with need... for a similar case see the unfortunate lot of a Paul Taylor of Boston, discussed in an article appearing at the link provided below. In that case, some two decades after a couple divorces, and agrees that there is no alimony, the court awards $400/week of his money to his ex. According to Mr. Taylor, "this is insane," and indeed it is... the only option for most of us who aren't going to move to another country... don't get married (or don't get divorced if you are already married).

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I expect that soon there will be cases where salt will be truly rubbed into the wound. I think increasingly in the years to come wealthy women will be divorcing poor men (well how could it be otherwise?). Do you think for even one moment that the system that has enriched women at the expense of men will treat men in the same way as women. Once the poor man is divorced all he will get is a advice to man-up and not complain.

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