"Has your man got a one-track mind? Just proves he’s normal"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In The Male Brain, Louann Brizendine, the American psychiatrist, follows up her controversial 2006 bestseller The Female Brain, which famously — and incorrectly — claimed that women use an average of 20,000 words a day compared with only 7,000 for men, and explores how the differences between the male and female brains often lead to the profoundest of misunderstandings and unintended consequence
Her conclusion that the male brain, “marinated in testosterone” since the eighth week of conception, is hardwired to cause men to lie, take risks and suppress their emotions, is equally controversial, appearing to suggest that men’s behaviour is devoid of personal responsibility and social conditioning.
Besides, men’s brain biology often works in women’s favour. Dr Brizendine cites research suggesting that testosterone levels plummet while levels of the milk-producing hormone prolactin soar in fathers-to-be, probably in reaction to the pheromones emanating from the mother-to-be’s skin. At the same time the man’s auditory circuits become more sensitive, making him better able to hear a crying infant. “By the time the baby is born, the father is primed to take care of it,” she says.
"Being a feminist in the 1970s, I really considered men to be the enemy. We feminists put a 30-year gag on men and stopped them speaking about their reality. But the pendulum has swung too far. In 2010, 60 per cent of US college graduates will be women and only 40 per cent men. This is a huge mismatch. We are leaving our males behind,” she says. “If we start out with a deeper understanding of the male brain, we can create more realistic expectations for boys and men.”'

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... here in MANN. But I felt it worth posting this take on things. Lovely how now she is a "reformed feminist" who still can't get enough in the way of stereotyping and junk-sciencing as much as she can about both sexes, predictably to the detriment of the male of the species.

Anyone ever notice how as feminist women get older they tend to (at least say) they are un-feministing? Or "used to be a feminist"? Or "have gotten more conservative as they have gotten older"? You can draw a line right down a graph that shows a direct inversely-proportional relationship between a woman's self-perceived value on the "dating market" and her tendency to be/view/declare herself as a feminist. 'Tis been my experience that the less she sees herself as being a "high value mate" for men, the more likely she is to stop being nearly as obnoxious with her anti-male rhetoric and spouting about discrimination, sexism, etc.

In fact if I were to take a stab at the actual function; it would be this:

f(x) = (-1)x
(where x >= 0)

Yes, that simple. f(x) is of course the y axis. y represents her insufferable tendency to be annoying and obnoxious and combative and all about how women are oppressed, men are bad, etc., while x is the increase in the woman's self-perceived value as an attractive mate. The value of y drops as x, the self-perceived unattractiveness, increases.

In fact once this has progressed enough, the insufferability of her yammering may in fact be replaced by actual nice things coming from her mouth and the tendency to actually appreciate the goodness of men that she has chosen to overlook all those years she was busy spouting her misandrist foolishness. By then though it may be too late for her. Oh well. As in many things, hindsight is 20/20 and sometimes you just don't get second (or third, or fourth, or fifth...) chances.

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"It went too far" ...

As if it was truly moving in the right direction. In the shortest way to say this, the feminist movement has largely been about increasing the role of women in the workplace and ingnoring or minimizing the role of men in the family.

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    "Being a feminist in the 1970s, I really considered men to be the enemy."

For me, this line says it all. Back in the 60s and 70s feminists were quite open about just who the enemy was. They did not mince words or hide behind some theoretical construct like the "Patriarchy," they were upfront about it. It was only when they gained power that they toned down the rhetoric. There never was a golden age where they actually believed in equality.

As far as the author's professed lower-key feminism, she is really just changing her style. Where once it was "I am woman, hear me roar!" it's now "I am woman, hear me hiss."

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Testosterone causes men to lie? Where is the evidence for that? That's a bunch of BS. Studies are finding more and more that increases in T levels increase FAIRNESS. Feminist inspired crap. Men lie! Prove it.

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Hmm, after thinking about your post I just realized the flaw/paradox of thinking that aggression or risk causes irresponsible behavior. The reason is because it takes strength to take on responsibility. To take on responsibility you must be willing to risk the consequences. This means you will take on leadership even if when you fail you will bear the brunt of the weight. This also allows you to tell the truth, with no excuses or rationalizations, dispite what may happen afterwards. It all boils down to can you sacrifice yourself for a good ends. To tie it in with what you refer to maybe some believe in an enduring status so to speak.

Truth, honor, and justice

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Mentions our latest and greatest male-basher, too.


The site this article is on is known for taking to task in a very direct way people who publish as research fact that which is not, upon closer examination, actually a fact, or is just being passed off as such without any relevant evidence to support it.

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