Stop the "Kill the Gays" Bill in Uganda

From an emailing. Is there any doubt who will be the primary victims of this legislation? I challenge anyone to show at any time in history where a state has outawed homosexuality (or such acts) that it has *not* been men who have borne the brunt of the enforcement actions. Email content here. Excerpt:

"A bill being considered in Uganda's parliament right now would make homosexuality a crime punishable by death.

If passed, this measure will promote an unprecedented climate of discrimination and violence against Uganda's LGBT citizens. Among other things, the "Kill the Gays" bill would:

  • Impose life in prison or the death penalty on those found to be (by a lay witness or the police) having homosexual sex.
  • Impose the death penalty on gay HIV-positive citizens found to be having sex.
  • Provide for up to three-year jail sentences for anyone who does not turn in LGBT citizens to Ugandan authorities.
  • Outlaw HIV/AIDS awareness programs as a "promotion of homosexuality." Working for such programs would constitute a crime punishable by up to a three-year jail sentence.

Today, Advocates for Youth is launching, a website focused on stopping the "Anti-Homosexuality Bill" and defending the rights of Uganda's LGBT citizens."

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My own feelings about our general homophobic societies is that it is tantamount to a female-driven *punishment* of men who are not as prone to being servants of women, nor are they subject to the same sexual power that women love to hold over straight men. One of the main functions of a society is to ensure that women are provided for (relevant references are even made in the bible). The greatest sin a man can commit is to remove himself from the role of provider. This theme resonates through every society that I can think of, even so-called enlightened ones.

Interesting to note how tightly-wound Hillary had Sir Reg around her bejeweled finger.

Lesbians are celebrated. Men are even trained to believe that its great to watch two women going at it.
Gay men still have to screw in the bushes and hope they don't get beaten.

A "kill the gays" bill has been functioning quite well in North America for ages. Uganda just put it on paper.
Disgusting all around.

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"The greatest sin a man can commit is to remove himself from the role of provider."

Indeed. An otherwise ordinary man has no value at all unless he is "providing" for someone else. To live for oneself is considered a selfish thing on a man's part but a you-go-girl thing on a woman's.

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If this was a "kill disobedient women bill" they would be threatening war against Uganda, but since it's mostly a bunch of men who will die they don't care.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Wow it is irritating when I'm getting encouraged by women think that girl on girl action is my fantasy, drop my jaw whenever they wear "sexy" attire, and think about sex all the time; and all the while be considered the shallow one...

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